Pumpkin Spinach Smoothie

pumpkin smoothie shed for the wed healthy recipes

Thanksgiving is one week away from today! Can you believe it?! This year has just flown by. Anyways, Thanksgiving is a day of indulgence, and as I am not one to skip meals or condone skipping them 😹😹, I thought it would be good to share a recipe for breakfast! It’s best to keep it light the morning of T-Givs, that way you have room to eat all the yumminess of the day! And yes, Thanksgiving is a perfect time to cash in one of those cheat days! Don’t make yourself miserable. Eat up and focus on the things that matter- your humans! <3 Enjoy this festive smoothie and your holiday week! -AHS

Pumpkin Spinach Smoothie

Serves 1


  • 2 handfuls spinach

  • 3 heaping tsp organic pureed pumpkin

  • 1 tbsp chia seeds

  • Dash pumpkin pie spice

  • Ice

  • Unsweetened vanilla almond milk


Layer ingredients. Pour enough almond milk to cover the ingredients. Blend. Drink immediately!