
Tidying Up Before The Wedding (written by a self proclaimed pack rat)

tidying up before the wedding marie kondo konmari method

Conor and I live in a 2 bedroom condo. We’ve been in a relationship for 12 years and we’ve lived together for about 7 years. We’ve been married for 4. We have accumulated a lot of mess during that time. And mostly its stuff we don’t use or need. We literally still have things from college around our place. I feel like I’m always getting rid of things, but we are always at max capacity–and to be clear, this place really is the perfect size for the two of us. There is no reason for us to live this way.

So one of my goals of this year is to clear the clutter. Get rid of what we don’t need, use, or in the words of the great Marie Kondo, “spark joy”. I received Marie’s book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” as a gift a few years back. I started reading it, and was learning a lot, but stopped because without executing I felt like I wasn’t actually making progress. I ended up converting a few of my drawers to her signature trifold method, but they eventually were messed beyond repair- and TBH, without getting rid of {enough} stuff, it was hard to have space for everything.

This is an example of a the KonMari method trifold FAIL. Note: It is important to know the size of your drawers! Keep scrolling for “after” success pictures.

This is an example of a the KonMari method trifold FAIL. Note: It is important to know the size of your drawers! Keep scrolling for “after” success pictures.

Fast forward to 2019– I was super sick the first week of the year, and during that time I binged “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix. And I know I am not alone. There are reports of thrift shops being filled to the brim with all the excess goodies inspired by Marie. I caught the bug and began the process. My goal is to complete the KonMari method by the end of Q1, freeing up space in our home, and setting up our good tidying habits for life!

If you are not familiar with Marie and her work, I will give you a summary but first– why should you tidy up before the wedding? You have so much going on in the months pre-wedding, why make time for this now?

Well, first and foremost, you are about to receive SO. MUCH. STUFF. Between bridal showers, bachelorette’s (often with a lingerie shower included), and just your general wedding registry, you are about to own more stuff than you ever have before. Yep. I said it. You are going to have more stuff than you ever have before!!! If you don’t live with your significant other, you are about to merge all of your stuff with another human. Don’t be like me and bring everything. You don’t need it. If you do live with them already, you are going to make room for your new goods! Lastly, having a clear, clutter-free space feels awesome. It helps your mind have space to think. You are approaching a new life phase- head in with a clear head!

The KonMari Method

I am not an expert at tidying. In any way (*cough, pack rat, cough*). So, I am taking my cue from the expert. Marie Kondo’s “KonMari Method” is a 5 step process. Instead of going room by room she goes by category:

  1. Clothes

  2. Books

  3. Paper

  4. Komono (Miscellaneous: includes kitchen items, bath, decor, office, cleaning, etc.)

  5. Sentimental Items

I like this for several reasons- you have to take everything out of its place before you put it back in a more organized fashion. It forces you to deal with things that haven’t been dealt with in eons. I also like that you do sentimental items last. Like most things, tidying up is a muscle and you are building strength by going through the process. By the time you get to the tough stuff, you have built up the muscle. This is also why it’s important to do all categories within a relatively quick period. Otherwise you lose the strength!

This is my before picture. Does it give you anxiety?? It sure made me feel horrible. These are just my clothes- my husband’s are not included.

This is my before picture. Does it give you anxiety?? It sure made me feel horrible. These are just my clothes- my husband’s are not included.

I am on the clothes section right now. I have done my tees, sweaters, pants, dresses, shorts, scarves, and bathing suits. I haven’t finished shoes, underwear, socks, jewelry, coats, belts, handbags, or hats. What I struggle with the most with getting rid of things is the nostalgia of it. Sometimes an old teeshirt will remind me of the best times in college or those were the jeans I bought when I studied in Italy. Marie encourages you to thank every item you give away. A lot of people laugh at this step, but it has been such a gift for me! I can say thank you and honor our time together- it helps me get through my sentimentality.

Another one of her criteria for all possessions is that they should “spark joy” for you. It is also really helpful when evaluating. That being said, there hits a point where you know (for example) your kitchen knife doesn’t spark joy, but you use it everyday. So then the question to ask is “do you want to bring it into your future?” - a great question for all brides-to-be!!

This is just the beginning of my process and I am perpetually reminding myself that perfection is not necessary. I’m also hoping that this process will help break some of my sentimentality around objects– the less I care about them, the happier I will be! I’m really looking forward to getting to the Paper step (omg this is the worst for me) and kitchen! I cannot wait to get rid of a million excess water bottles and organize my drawers. 😂😂

In summary, tidying up as you embark on your next phase in life will put you in an awesome position to start your marriage! What’s better than starting your journey will a fresh slate and a beautiful tidy home?!

If you are inspired to get started, I highly recommend you watch a couple episodes of Marie’s show on Netflix or buy her book. I will say, the show makes it really seem within reach. If you guys want to hear more about my tidying process, let me know and I’ll continue to post updates.

Happy tidying! -AHS

Setting Intentions for 2019

setting intentions 2019 core desired feelings.jpg

Note: I laid out my entire goal-setting method (which I’m obsessed with) here, so if you want to read all about that, that post is for you! This post will cover the changes I made to this years process and my personal journey with setting my new year intentions.

This January, my goals have not been as free flowing as in the past. Normally, post-Christmas, I know exactly what I want to work on in the upcoming year. And while I definitely have this drive in many areas of my life right now, this upcoming year is going to look different than years past (more on this in posts to come), and I’m not going to lie- it has thrown me! I feel a bit less in control of my life and thus, are having a harder time really connecting with my goals. Especially the SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely) aspects of them.

For that reason, I have decided to focus on my core desired feelings for the year, and to set my intentions, but without using monthly SMART goals. (Again, if you need a debriefing of these terms, read my original goal setting post!) As time goes on, I may choose to set monthly SMART goals, but right now, I’m keeping it loose. Typically, I would not encourage this in clients of mine. You need to get very clear on what you want in order to achieve it! But you also need to know yourself, and right now, that feels a bit counter intuitive to my own nature. And as you will soon see, one of my words is grace, and that is what I am giving myself!

The two words that have come through the most strongly for me this year are Connection and Flow. This is not the first time these words have come to me. I believe that these words, at the end of the day, are apart of my soul’s mission. I need to have meaningful connection with others first and foremost. And re: flow, I need to go with the natural rhythms of life, and not work against them. And bonus points because it also ties in with my yoga practice! My other core desired feelings for this year are: joy, grace, and prosperous. The key with Core Desired Feelings is that you should want to feel them inside your core. Sit with them.

These words are more higher arching ideals, and normally I have a tangible work word(s) like “focus” or “discipline” like last year! But those feel off to me this year so I think this is a year to enjoy the ride!

So to summarize, my core desired feelings for the year are:

  1. Connection

  2. Flow

  3. Joy

  4. Grace

  5. Prosperous

Next I’ve set intentions for the following pillars of my life: health, career, family, home, community, spirituality, and travel. I won’t lay them all out for you here but I will share a couple examples.

In the home area of my life, I have decided to Konmari method our condo in the first quarter of the year. (Yes, I binged Marie Kondo’s Netflix show when I was sick the first week of the year!) Both my husband and I tend to keep things longer than we should, and sometimes it feels like we are busting at the seams. Her whole essence behind tidying up is that your possessions should “spark joy”- and that ties directly with one of my core desired feelings for the year, so I am fired up about this!

In the spirituality area of my life my intention is a bit more vague. My intention I set for this year is to make meditation and prayer a priority. I could make it more tangible like, meditate 5x/week for 15 minutes or go to church every Sunday- but I’m allowing for grace with this intention (and with all of them!). It may not seem like this is a very exciting goal- but I can tell you, I can feel the difference in my life when I do not make meditation and prayer a priority- and it’s not pretty.

Overall, my net takeaway is be in tune with yourself and where you are at. Feel free to adjust your sails accordingly as time goes on. And remember that new intentions should light you up and feel excited! I wanted to share my own personal experience with you, because I think it’s important to trust in yourself first and foremost. There are a million people out there telling you what to do and how you should do it to see the best results- but at the end of the day- you know you better than anyone else. Go deep within yourself, you know what you need. And at the end of the day, give yourself some grace with the process and enjoy the journey!

What are your intentions for 2019? Leave me a note and tell me about them! Holler if you want me to check in on you (for free!) to see how they are coming! Xo, AHS

New Year, New Intentions

New Year Goal Setting

It's that time of year again! We are all feeling the post-holiday blues/ bloat. I don't know about you guys, but I love the feeling of a fresh new start and I am feeling pumped about 2018! I actually subscribe to the belief that you can set goals at any time (so feel free to come back to this page later if you aren't quite in the mood yet!). That being said, the new year always feels like a great time to reflect and hone in on what you want to achieve over the next year. Also, any new brides out there? This is the time to reflect on how you want to feel in your engagement "season". 

I am going to walk you through my intention/ goal-setting method. There are so many variations out there, and I use a bit of a hybrid. 

The biggest question that gets overlooked with New Years resolutions is "why?". Why do you you want to accomplish stated goal or resolution. If you aren't connected with your why you aren't going to reach that goal, and if you do- you probably won't feel satisfied by it! Connect with your why

One answer to the "why" question is answered by author and influencer, Danielle Laporte. This lady knows where it is AT when it comes to goals. I highly recommend her book, The Desire Map. She has figured out that it is not just about what you are achieving, but really, how you want to feel when you accomplish the goal, and throughout the process. Feelings are often the "why." She encourages you to come up with your core desired feelings. I reflect on them and adjust every year. Pick no more than 5, it can be really challenging to focus if you have more than 5. They should be high vibe. Take some time,  sit with them. Make sure they feel right!

My 2018 core desired feelings are written in the back of my planner! 

My 2018 core desired feelings are written in the back of my planner! 

My five for the year are: 

  1. Thrive 
  2. Disciplined 
  3. Glow 
  4. Heart-centered
  5. Nourished

A theme I've observed over the past few years is that I crave "connection." I need my humans! But this year, instead of using that word - I decided this year that "heart-centered" is more relevant and will bring me connection. My point being, it is okay to change things up! These words should light you up and feel excited!

Once you feel good about your 5 core desired feelings, then we can talk goals and intentions. 

At the beginning of the year I like to focus on my 'intentions" versus "goals." What's the difference? Well I think of intentions as where I want to spend my energy. It is a judgement free zone. Goals are more specific. You either accomplish them or you don't. I like to make goals SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Lastly, I don't use the term "resolutions" because it implies that something needs to be "resolved" as if you weren't fine as you were last year! Poo poo. 

Here is an example: 

  • An intention for this year for me is to "feel good in my body". This ties back to the core desired feelings of the year of: thrive, disciplined, glow, and nourished. 
  • A SMART goal under that intention could be "practice yoga 5 days a week through the end of March."

By accomplishing my goal of practicing yoga 5 days a week through the end of March I should "feel good in my body" and subsequently help me to feel thriving, glowy, disciplined and nourished. Make sense? 

I choose specific areas of my life that I want to set intentions for. Each segment has an intention that links back to my core desired feelings of the year. This year I chose health, career, family, community, spirituality, and travel. What are the important pillars in your life you want to set intentions for? Other options could be, but aren't limited to,  "relationships," "personal," or "home".  

Each month I try to set SMART goals that link back to the intention. For me, just having the intentions written out really helps me focus in my daily life. I rebel sometimes against goals- they feel too forced. BUT sometimes I need more specific goals to accomplish bigger things though. Deadlines are important!

We are human. There is no perfect solution. This is my own method that works for me. Everyone is different. The way our brains work can vary so much. Know yourself. Don't push against your own nature. You are brilliant as you are. Lean into your personality, and it will make it so much easier. Maybe you know that you won't accomplish anything unless you have concrete goals written out. If you know that - you better get those goals written out! Maybe you know you rebel against goals - better to focus on your intentions and desired feelings.

Also to note: this should actually take you time. If you figure out your goals in 30 minutes, you probably have not connected well with your why. (Alternatively, you did all this leg work already and feel very connected to your why! And then you are prepared. :)) You don't have to have everything figured out immediately. Enjoy the process. Take some time, drink some tea, cozy up, and do some soul digging! 

You are the captain of your own ship- you get to steer where you want to go! Isn't that incredible? Goals and intentions light me up, because I just love helping people get stoked about their lives, and that is what it is all about! 

To wrap this up: where are you going to spend your energy this year? What are you going to accomplish? Or not? Sometimes, "just be" is the answer. 

If you have any questions about my process or would like help with your own goals, shoot me an email (alexandra@shedforthewed.com) or leave a comment below! This ish brings me so much joy, I would love to hear from you beauties!

Cheers to new beginnings! 







2016, hello beautiful

Hello, friends! 

First, I want to apologize. I have basically taken a 1-year hiatus from blogging. I never stopped writing, but I realized that I wasn't dedicating enough time to creating actual Shed programs, which is why I even started to blog in the first place. So, I apologize, for not doing. Full stop.

But January (ahem... February) is here. And with this new year comes renewed commitments. We have our first ever beta program in progress. So Bridal Bootcamp is FINALLY going to be launching this Spring. I could not be more excited. 

With that, you will be hearing from me more. I will have more recipes, tips, and wedding fun coming your way. More blogging. More programs. More everything. 

Cheers, 2016!



photo credit: Jessica Zoob

photo credit: Jessica Zoob