
Light Therapy and Other Winter Wellness Tips

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Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I make a commission if you use affiliate links in this post.

I recently shared on my IG that I have been using light therapy over the past few weeks as a part of my winter wellness routine. I had been intrigued with light therapy, and I won’t lie, I purchased the lamp without doing too much research on it beforehand. A friend had recommended it and said it was “life-changing!”–I was sold. I knew that lots of people had used it in Chicago (and the rest of the midwest) to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (aka SAD). You have probably heard of it, it is a form of depression that kicks off during the Fall and goes away with the sunnier days of Spring and Summer (although not always! Some have the reverse!).

According to Mayo Clinic, symptoms specific to winter-onset SAD, sometimes called winter depression, may include:

  • Oversleeping (lol. Not a problem living with a toddler)

  • Appetite changes, especially a craving for foods high in carbohydrates (um hi! But also this is totally normal to crave grounding, high carb foods in winter.)

  • Weight gain (plenty of that, but because I’m growing a baby)

  • Tiredness or low energy (Yes, yes, yes. Having a toddler and being pregnant add to this, BUT I always get this way during winter.)

While I would not self-diagnose myself with SAD, I am prone to get the winter blues, especially with spending so much time inside and (these days) away from loved ones. I particularly deal with lots of fatigue during the winter months. I figured adding light therapy into my routine was a good way to amp up my winter wellness.

How it works

According to a Harvard Health blog on light therapy:

“If lack of sunlight causes or contributes to seasonal affective disorder, then getting more light may reverse it. Bright light works by stimulating cells in the retina that connect to the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that helps control circadian rhythms. Activating the hypothalamus at a certain time every day can restore a normal circadian rhythm and thus banish seasonal symptoms.

Light therapy entails sitting close to a special “light box” for 30 minutes a day, usually as soon after waking up as possible. These boxes provide 10,000 lux (“lux” is a measure of light intensity). That’s about 100 times brighter than usual indoor lighting; a bright sunny day is 50,000 lux or more. You need to have your eyes open, but don’t look at the light. Many people use the time to read a newspaper, book, or magazine, or catch up on work.”

My experience

I started using it when I have my morning coffee and feeding James his breakfast (I just tilt away from his face). I used the lowest setting for the first couple of weeks and then upped to the medium setting a couple of days ago. I put on the timer for 10 minutes. Some days I have had it on for a little longer, but haven’t felt like I have really needed to. They say to work up to 30 minutes a day for SAD.

From what I notice- shortly after I finish my session (maybe 15-30 minutes after) I feel a big boost in initiative and productivity. You may say that’s the coffee, but I’ll be honest, coffee just gets me to my bare minimum state of a human for the day. Initially, I saw a boost for the rest of the day. More recently, I’ve noticed my alertness is there through lunchtime. In general, my energy levels have been higher than they have been in months and months (pre-dating pregnancy even!).

In general, I have been in really good spirits, despite the fact that I’ve barely left the house for a month. Typically, around this time of they year, I would definitely be getting a bit of the winter blues, ready for some sunshine and outside time! I mean, I’m still ready for those things, but I’m not overly sad that I don’t have them.

I also noticed initially when the sun went down I was DEAD. Like ready to go to sleep with the sun. Could be the toddler, or the pregnancy, but I think it’s because the light therapy is syncing me strongly with the circadian rhythms of the sun. This result hasn’t persisted.

It could be placebo, or the second trimester high, but I definitely feel like it has made a big difference in my energy levels— I will definitely be continuing this as a part of my winter wellness routine.

What to look for in a lightbox

This is the lightbox I used. You want 10,000 Lux. It also shouldn’t emit any UV light. Gotta watch that skin!

Who shouldn’t use light therapy?

According to the Harvard Health post:

Although light therapy is at least as effective as antidepressant medications for treating seasonal affective disorder, it doesn’t work or isn’t appropriate for everyone. Some people need more light, or brighter light. Others can’t tolerate bright light—in people with bipolar disorder, for example, it can trigger hypomania or mania. And even though the risk of eye damage from bright light is low, anyone with diabetes (which can damage the retina) or pre-existing eye disease should check with a doctor before trying light therapy.

So if you are worried you are at risk for any of those issues- please consult with a healthcare provider before starting light therapy. I am not a healthcare professional, this is just my research and account of my own experience with light therapy!

Other ways to maximize your winter wellness

If light therapy isn’t for you, there are still so many ways to improve your wellness during the winter. Here are some of my favorites:

  1. Take vitamin D daily. It is so critical for our health!

  2. Try to get outside every day. I know it’s cold, but if it’s not subzero temps, a quick walk outside can do wonders. If it’s more moderate, winter activities are so fun! Skiing (the Wisconsin and Michigan slopes are a quick drive away! Or cross country wherever!), sledding, ice skating! So much fun to be had in the snow!

  3. Listen to your bodily cues. Enjoy carbs and grounding root veggies during these cold-weather months.

  4. Try to get your heart rate up every day. A little bit of exercise can really give you an endorphin boost that will make you feel so good!

  5. Enjoy hot baths, steams, and saunas when you can. Take a hint from the nordic countries. It will serve you well! I love steaming up my shower and adding a few drops of lavender essential oils. Insta-spa!

  6. Embrace the inside life. Cozy up by a fire (or Netflix fire! :)) with a good book and a cup of tea!

This season may seem to go on forever, but soon enough we will be enjoying the sunshine! What are you doing to for your winter wellness routine? Stay warm and cozy, friends! -AHS

Disconnecting to Reconnect (Quarantine Special Part 2)

This is my first stab at embroidery. I used a kit from Sarah K Benning. I highly recommend. I hadn’t done any sewing since I was a girl scout, so this was a great for beginners!

This is my first stab at embroidery. I used a kit from Sarah K Benning. I highly recommend. I hadn’t done any sewing since I was a girl scout, so this was a great for beginners!

While connecting during this time (and always!) is super important– knowing when to disconnect is maybe equally important. We could all become zombies from staring at our devices too long. Holding our own boundaries is even more critical during this time. In my last post, I mentioned how everyone’s social calendar instantly freed up with quarantine. Just because we could be connecting with friends and family all of the time, doesn’t mean that we should. Don’t squander the moment to do something for yourself! Whether it is more self-care time, starting a new hobby, or just reading a book, this time is rare and precious (even it feels like we have an abundance of it right now!). Don’t let social media or even binge-watching consume you. Schedule time to disconnect from it all and reconnect with yourself.

Also, this may sound privileged, and… it is. If you have the ability to do these things right now, it is absolutely a gift. I know everyone is different in their amount of free time right now: many people are working from home, many have lost their jobs, and many are still working out in the world (shouts to our healthcare workers, police officers, military, etc!!!). These are difficult times, and so many people are struggling. It is okay to not feel okay right now. I hope these ideas will help you feel a bit more normal and happy during this weird time. [If you think you are struggling with depression, I know many therapists are scheduling virtual sessions right now. Please seek help from a professional. <3] My ideas for disconnecting from our screens, and reconnecting with yourself follow:

Making fresh meals can be inspiring, and uplifting, I swear!

Making fresh meals can be inspiring, and uplifting, I swear!

  • Set an intention every day. It could be the same thing, or you could try to change it up. It could be one “must do” on your “to do” list or it could be a feeling. Just pick something that will make you feel good, or accomplished.

  • When you do interact with social media, make it count. Try to not just scroll infinitely. Try to engage with the posts, and really connect with people. Don’t spend too much time on it.

  • Get outside, even if it is cold, for a walk or run, or anything (BUT PLEASE KEEP YOUR 6 FEET OF SEPARATION!). Nature can be so restorative. So is a little sunshine and vitamin D.

  • Read books. Whether it be a novel or something that gets your creative juices flowing, start tackling that reading list! Books can take us to other worlds and spark passion even in the weirdest of times (ahem… right now!).

  • Have a living room dance party. In the words of Tay Tay, just “shake it off!”. It will help you immediately feel better!

  • Start a new craft or hobby– I just tried embroidery for the first time over the past couple weeks and I loved it (photo above). I see more projects in my future. Other ideas: painting, knitting, scrapbooking, digital photography, baking, gardening, yoga, writing, puzzles or even legos! Let your hearts be free to explore! Pick something that really speaks to you and you can get excited about.

  • Or reignite an old passion–did you once have a hobby you loved but fell away from it because life became too busy? I’m thinking about that guitar sitting in the corner…now is your time to start again!

  • Cook. I know this falls under the category of hobby, but I think it deserves a separate bullet point. Cooking right now is so important. Spending time learning how to make food that is healthy and delicious is worthy of your time. Healthy eats will keep you feeling good!

  • Create a new nightly or morning ritual. Up your skincare routine, take a bath, or even journal. Use this time to get your healthy habits in place!

  • Try a new exercise activity–so many fitness studios/instructors are live streaming and creating downloadable classes. I posted several of my favorites on Instagram (they are saved under my highlights). Take advantage of it!

  • Slow down, be still. Learn to sit with yourself and feel your emotions. This is also known as meditation. :) See my post on meditation here. More on this to come.

Overall, use this time to help feel more in tune with yourself, not less. We may be stuck at home, but it doesn’t mean we can’t make this time remarkable. Stay safe, friends. -AHS

And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.

And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.

And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.

- Kitty O’Meara

Shedding for the wedding: what's the deal with exercise?


So you've found my biz. It's called Shed for the Wed. For a lot of folk it brings up horrid ideas of living on the elliptical and drinking your meals for months before your wedding. 

I hope if you have read anything on my website at all, you have figured out I am NOT about that life. 

You know that the way we operate here is about making soulful, healthy, eating decisions – and that is what is going to make you feel your best on your big day and EVERY day (if we are being honest here). But the truth is – it could just be "SHD" – soulful, healthy decisions. That is the big picture. In terms of your waistline, yes, eating is the number one priority. But in terms of who you are and living your best life, SHD is the ticket. 

So where does that leave us re: exercise? I'm sure you all know the girl who spent her life at the gym before her wedding. That is one approach that works for some. In my humble opinion, I find that few can sustain that level of vigor, and then after the wedding the weight comes back (and sometimes more) [This also applies to extreme cleansing. NOT about it].

Moving your body shouldn't be just about trying to lose weight. It should be about what makes you feel like a #bossb**ch (someone cue the Cardi B or Lizzo or both)! But I'm going to tell you a secret—before my wedding, I think I exercised twice in the entire 10 months leading up to it. I felt amazing on my wedding day and it was just good, clean, eating. Yes, this works too, but that being said- I would not advocate you follow that approach either! It was not good for my mind or body to not exercise during that time. It's all about SHD- and I would've been much more zen during my wedding process if I had been moving my body more. 

I really found myself loving fitness AFTER the wedding. I started experimenting while I was working at Lululemon (#joblove) and I learned so much about myself and how I like to get my sweat on. 

I know that I still am in love with yoga 12 years later my first class. That HIIT is what it takes to push my body past a plateau. I know that with pilates my body can do things I didn't think were possible to my abs. I also know I need lots of hands on adjustments because of all my hyperextended joints. I know that SoulCycle is my JAM and I feel like I can do anything if I can ride on beat (#rhythmchallenged). I know I hate spinning (or any class) with a leaderboard. I know I like going to Orange Theory because they monitor my heart rate so I can compete with myself (and it's right next to my house – easy = good!). I know that a good long run can do wonders for my mind. I know that even though I love getting my sweat on – it is still a mental challenge for me to make it out the door. 

That being said, that is all my own journey, and only you can figure out what is your jam. I can't give you a magic formula that will be the answer to all of your exercise needs. I wish I could, but unforch not how it works. Every person's body is different and will have different needs. I've compiled a list of questions for you to ask yourself to find your own fitness groove:

  • What is your current level of fitness? 
  • How active are you? Daily, weekly? 
  • What are your goals for your activity? What is the why behind them? 
  • What exercise makes you feel good? During or after? 
  • Have you found something that makes you feel good and strong in your body? If so, what is it? If not, what have you tried? What are you interested in trying next?
  • Do you prefer outdoor activities or classes? 
  • Does one activity give you more joy than others? 
  • Do you feel better with cardio or slower strength? 
  • What is it going to take for your to add movement to your life? 

If you want more direction re: your fitness goals – schedule a FREE consultation with me below. I'm happy to chat to figure out a sweat sched that gets you excited to sweat and is sustainable for you! 

What's your favorite way to sweat? Let me know in the comments below or on insta! Have a lovely day, babes! xx