Surprise! We are having another baby!
Where to begin… I have been feeling very quiet about this pregnancy. Once I told my people directly, I didn’t feel the need to be vocal about it. We are so excited! But I know so many who have suffered losses over the past year, and I just wanted to keep it closer to home for a while. But since I decided to spend more time sharing on SHED, I’ve found it increasingly difficult NOT to share this massive thing going on in my life. What better time than Valentine’s Day to share the love?
Baby James has no idea what is happening!
How did you find out?
We found out in October, right after we got back from our trip from Colorado. I was definitely not expecting it, so probably were more liberal with our actions than I would’ve been–had I known. Whoops! I thought my cycle was going to start the day we left. And then it didn’t come and didn’t come. Conor thought I was being overly obsessive, but on late day 6 I took 3 tests, and it was a resounding positive! COVID life meant Conor was home, so I didn’t have to keep the news to myself all day. We were both so shocked and happy. Still are, really!
Do you know Baby’s Sex?
We found out in December that baby is a GIRL! I was thinking I was going to boy mom city, so I am very pumped that girl clothes are in our future.
What is the baby’s Due Date?
Baby girl will be joining us sometime in early June! Most likely looking like she will be a gemini! This also means we will have 2 under 2 for more than a month! WAHHHHH
How many weeks are you?
I am 23 weeks. I will be 24 weeks in a few days. More than 1/2 way!
How Has Pregnancy been?
Pregnancy has been different from last time. The first trimester was still exhausting and nauseating, but I haven’t had the baby blues that I did last time. I’ve heard that boys can wreak more havoc on your hormones, which could be the case. In general, I’ve felt in better spirits and ready to take more on. Well, in some ways. In other ways, I’m even more exhausted from chasing after a toddler all day. I’m mostly just happy that I feel more like myself than I did the last time around.
I have also started to show sooner, unsurprisingly! This week, I definitely have been feeling belly! I’ve also had a much stronger sweet tooth this time around!
Do you have a name picked out?
We have several names in the running, but nothing decided yet. We are waiting to share the name (whenever we decide) until baby girl is here!
How has James handled the news?
I don’t think he has any idea what we are talking about! We keep telling him he’s going to have a little sister. He likes to push his stroller around, and we tell him he can push the new baby in the stroller, and he points to pictures of babies when we say that. But overall, I don’t think he really gets it. He’s in for a shock come June!
Is this why you moved?
Yes! We needed more space, ASAP!
Is this why you are only posting pics of carbs?
YUP. When I’m prego all I want are CARBSSSSSS.
So that’s our big news! Thanks for reading! Let me know if you have any other personal or general pregnancy/baby questions. <3 <3 -AHS