Yoga Teacher Training and Upcoming Travel

A very zen koi pond at the Yoga Barn in Ubud, Bali. 

A very zen koi pond at the Yoga Barn in Ubud, Bali. 

Hello my friends! A personal post coming atcha today. :)

A peek at my first homework assignments. 

A peek at my first homework assignments. 

As many of you may know, my preferred form of exercise is yoga (for more of my thoughts on fitness read here). My first experience with yoga was in my second semester of my freshman year at Indiana University (Go Hoos!). I enrolled in yoga as an elective, thinking it would be fun to try. It changed the way I felt about exercise, and opened me to the mind-body connection. I hadn’t been an athlete in high school, so moving my body wasn’t something I had realized could affect my body AND mind for the better. I fell in love with the movement, and how yoga made me feel. 

Sometimes I am more into the physicality of the practice, other times for the mental peace and clarity that comes from the focus on the mat. Through my practice I have cultivated a deeper sense of mindfulness that has led to a career changes and other shifts on my journey. 

The Yoga Barn in Bali (2012)

The Yoga Barn in Bali (2012)

All that being said, I have decided to pursue yoga teacher training this spring. I have been contemplating teacher training for at least 5 years at this point, so it is time! I am hoping to deepen my own practice, and also bring my new knowledge to create some Zen for the Wed in your lives!  

I haven't decided how much yogi stuff to share with you guys, but would love to hear if you are interested in my learnings, asanas (poses), guided flows or meditations or anything else related to teacher training. 

Doing TT locally (not somewhere warm!!), just thought this pic captured my excitement and vibe at this moment. Xx

Doing TT locally (not somewhere warm!!), just thought this pic captured my excitement and vibe at this moment. Xx

On a related note: one of my long term goals is to practice yoga on every continent. So far I have practiced in (North America - duh), Australia/ Oceania, Africa, and Asia! Europe is up this month. I will be traveling to London this month for a week celebrating my birthday! I would love your recos - particularly for some healthy eats and yoga studios. 

Today is my first day of teacher training, so please send some good vibes my way! 

Namaste :) 


Creamy Cashew Cheese Sauce and Vegan Mac & Cheese

vegan mac and cheese with caramelized onions and spinach

News update! Today, we went live with the "Shed Approved" page of the website. It is your go to resource for things you may need during the Shed program. Go check it out! I will update it occasionally with new finds, too. Also, I decided to test out putting the recipes at the top of the post to make it easier to get to. Babble underneath will give you some other ideas on how to use the sauce! :) Let me know what you think of the new "shop" and format! xo

Creamy Cashew Cheese Sauce


  • 1 1/2 cups roasted cashews (I soaked for about 20 minutes, but my food processor is strong. If you are using a blender that may not have strength, soak for a couple hours)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled
  • 1/4 cup of water (use until you reach your desired consistency)


Blend ingredients in food processor or blender! Use in the following recipe and store excess in the fridge for up to 5 days. 

    vegan mac and cheese with sedalini


    Vegan Mac & "Cheese"

    (SErves 4)


    • 1 tbsp olive oil
    • 1 onion, sliced
    • Salt 
    • 2 cups spinach
    • 12 oz sedanini lentil pasta (from Trader Joe's)
    • Cashew cheese sauce above (use enough to cover pasta)


    In a medium pan, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onions and salt (coat in a layer). Lower heat to medium-low and stir onions occasionally, making sure that they don't stick to the pan (add more oil, if necessary). Continue until onions are golden brown (this can take as long as 40 minutes), salting occasionally.  Add spinach to onions, coat with oil from the pan and stir until wilted.

    Meanwhile, cook pasta according to directions on package. Drain, and put back into pot. Add cashew sauce, mix well. Serve in bowls with onions and spinach mixture. NOMS. 

    As I mentioned in last week's post the blizzard we had in Chicago really put me in a cooking frenzy.  And severe winter weather means comfort food. I got very excited to try my hand at making cashew "cheese" sauce to make some healthy mac and cheese!  I've seen recipes with butternut squash, but I wanted to keep this as simple as possible. It's a really versatile sauce. You can serve it over: 

    • Any gluten-free pasta - chickpea, brown rice, sedanini, etc. 
    • Steamed cauliflower - mix the sauce with Frank's hot sauce, it's to die for!
    • Chicken with marinara sauce- like a healthy chicken parm! 

    Basically, this is an awesome sub for anything you would want cheesy goodness. I would love to hear if you decide to try it! Cheers to "cheese"! -AHS

    Cashew sauce in all it's glory. 

    Cashew sauce in all it's glory. 

    I clearly did not listen to my own advice, and had lots of onion stick to the pan. 

    I clearly did not listen to my own advice, and had lots of onion stick to the pan. 

    Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal Pancakes (GF, DF, & Sugar-Free!)

    pumpkin spice glutenfree sugarfree dairyfree pancakes with blueberries
    My mom's pup frolicking in the snow. Is this not the most joyful picture you've ever seen??! Photo courtesy of Marju Eisenberg. 

    My mom's pup frolicking in the snow. Is this not the most joyful picture you've ever seen??! Photo courtesy of Marju Eisenberg. 

    Last weekend it was snow heaven. So much snow. Schools were canceled. I measured the snow sitting on top of our flower beds- we ended up with 13 inches! People were cross country skiing in the parks. And yes, I live in Chicago, this should not be shocking. But it was a legit magical snowfall. I don't complain about the snow- I am a weird breed of Chicagoan that gets upset when people complain about the weather all the time. "It's too hot. It's too cold. There's too much snow." Move to LA or take some vitamin D. But really, I have had a garage for the past 4 years so I do not stress about snow. #blessed Chicagoans are kinda crazy with the street parking. Dibs is very real and I have no interest in getting involved in any of that! 

    Anyways, so it was snowy and cozy and you know what that means! Fun in the kitchen! I experimented with quite a few cozy winter recipes that day (more to come soon!) basically because the cold makes me crave carbs. It seemed like a great day to make the oatmeal pancakes from the Shed plan. But because I am incapable of following a recipe to save my life (even my own!) - I ended up improvising and coming up with a new fun variation on the traditional recipe. These pancakes are #shedapproved for both month 1 and 2! 

    I think what I liked most about these was that compared to my favorite banana pancakes, these hold together beautifully. The combination of the oat flour and the pumpkin really make a nice batter! I probably didn't need the eggs- but I'm always glad to include some protein in breakfast! 

    I am also crazy about nut butter and berries. I learned this when I used to work at a juice shop. It is a life-changing combination. 

    The pancakes aren't sweet on their own, so the blueberries really add an extra something to them! 

    Having treats like this that are #shedapproved are really what makes living a healthy lifestyle something that you can do consistently! I highly recommend you make these bad boys. They may just change ya life! 

    Stay cozy, friends!


    pumpkin spice oatmeal pancakes with blueberries and peanut butter

    Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal Pancakes


    • 1/2 cup rolled oats 
    • 2 large eggs
    • 1 tsp vanilla extract
    • 1/2 15 oz can of pumpkin puree 
    • pumpkin pie spice (use liberally)
    • olive oil spray 
    • 1-2 tbsp organic peanut butter 
    • 1/2 cup frozen organic blueberries (or fresh if they are in season)


    Blend or pulse oats in a blender or food processor until oats have the consistency of flour. Transfer to bowl. Add eggs, vanilla extract, pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice to bowl. Mix thoroughly (I used a hand mixer, you could use a tabletop mixer as well).

    Heat a nonstick skillet lightly coated with olive oil spray over medium heat. Ladle batter into skillet to form pancakes. Cook for about 3 minutes. When they look like they have a solid base, flip. Cook for an additional minute or so until they have firmed and are golden brown. Serve with peanut butter and berries on top. 


    • While all oats should be gluten-free, due to how they are processed in the U.S. - often times they are not. Check the label to ensure they are gluten-free!
    • I don't keep my food processor out all the time. So if you want, you can pulse extra oats to make this task easier for the next time. Do it in small batches, the food processor will not work as well with large quantities. I store my leftover oat flour in a sealed container in the fridge. 
    • Alternatively, you can use butter on the skillet and on the pancakes if you aren't into the peanut butter berry combo. Note: this makes them only #shedapproved for month 1.  

    Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Wellness

    I have used stock photography of "wellness" or "meditation" throughout this post to demonstrate how unattainable wellness can feel. Wellness is achieved by doing yoga in a fjord, clearly.

    I have used stock photography of "wellness" or "meditation" throughout this post to demonstrate how unattainable wellness can feel. Wellness is achieved by doing yoga in a fjord, clearly.

    Have you ever felt overwhelmed by wellness? Like, you couldn't be taking good care of yourself if you aren't adding reishi ashwaghandha adaptogenic blends to your coffee (wait, excuse me, MATCHA) every morning. Or you drink alcohol (GASP!).  Or you just can't get yourself up for a 6am cardio class before work and then you end up skipping the gym that day and all is lost? Do you eat cheese? Like what is Keto? Why is everyone doing it? What is bio-hacking and should I call my IT guy to help me with it? Where does all of this fit into one's daily existence? 

    It is hard to keep up y'all. 

    I truly enjoy trying out all the new trends. I like seeing how each new superfood/ supplement/ vitamin/ way of eating/ workout / etc.  affects my body and mind. It's fun, it's interesting. And it is not what actually matters. 

    First, let me define wellness. 

    ˈwelnəs/ noun 
    1. the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.
    Meditation is swimming in the ocean at sunset surrounded by mountains. 

    Meditation is swimming in the ocean at sunset surrounded by mountains. 

    Okay so great - pursuing good health. Yep, all about it! It’s great that all of these superfoods and supplements can help us feel awesome. It really is. More things that fuel the body, and help us kick some a- every day – hey all good. But sometimes it feels like the wellness industry chooses to be confusing. Really, to be well, you need to eat lots of vegetables, sleep, drink water, move your body.  The trends that require you to eat a certain way, those are just diets. Diets are fine, but diets are not sustainable. Diets are not wellness. You can add superfoods to your daily morning beverage, and that can aid in wellness- but you don’t need to spend excessive amounts of money on supplements and superfoods to be well. Being thin is not wellness. Sometimes it’s a byproduct of wellness, but not always. It can also be the byproduct of very unhealthy behavior. 

    The second you begin to obsess over your food choices, your fitness level, etc- it is no longer wellness. That means “wellness,” “eating healthy,” or “fitness” is no longer serving you. That means it has become a distraction from the things that really matter. 

    Now that we cleared up what wellness actually is and what it is not…why do we pursue it? 

    Quite simply, good health is a means to help fulfill our work on Earth. Our soul's purpose... This is not about feeling 22 forever.  

    ....Woah, Alexandra. That just got intense! Soul's purpose? I don't know what that is?! 

    I know, I know. That's not an easy question to answer. 

    You too, can be well if you manage to meditate on the beach with your arms up in the air. 

    You too, can be well if you manage to meditate on the beach with your arms up in the air. 

    If you already know the answer. Fantastic. Now go and be well, and have food fuel you and movement inspire you! You are done here. 

    If you don’t have the answer to this, you may not have an answer for awhile. I encourage you to dig deeper. Start to meditate. Pray (yes, I said pray). Go to yoga or for a run - whatever gets you in your zone. Think about what lights you up. What gets you out of bed in the morning? How do you help others in your day to day life? Your purpose could be related to your career, or not. It could be related to your family, or not. I unfortunately don’t have a guide book for this (although I bet one exists). I don’t have the answers, only you have the answer inside of you.

    Balanced rocks in water - clearly you have reached the pinnacle of enlightenment if you sit near these bad boys. 

    Balanced rocks in water - clearly you have reached the pinnacle of enlightenment if you sit near these bad boys. 

    My action steps for you: 

    1. Reflect on what has sparked your interest in nutrition and wellness. We are human, having a booty like Eva Mendes is a fine answer- no judgement. 

    2. Keep it simple. If you enjoy wellness trends, feel free to jump on board - but you don’t need to eat like Amanda Chantal Bacon to be well (see links here and here). Remember at the end of the day, the wise Michael Pollan deduced healthy nutrition to: “eat (real) food, not too much, mostly plants.”

    3. I want you to stop sometime in the next day or 3- put down your phone. Turn it off. Spend some time alone and reflect. Reflect on what matters most to you. If you were to be gone tomorrow, what would you have wished you had done?

    4. Use that beautiful body and soul of yours to thrive!

    Yeah, I went deep on you guys. I hope if nothing else, this gave you some food for thought on this chilly winter day. I hope that this helps inspire the divine light within you. 

    Be well, 


    Update: Brain Octane Oil and Bulletproof Coffee Trial

    So if you read my post from two weeks ago, you will know that I had been reading and learning about the differences on Brain Octane Oil, MCT oil, and Bulletproof coffee – but I hadn't really tried it out yet. I decided to pursue testing Brain Octane Oil and Bulletproof Coffee. 


    I started drinking Brain Octane Oil in my coffee around 2 weeks ago but took a couple days off because I wasn't at home. I immediately became obsessed with the frothy goodness. I love the richness it added to my daily cup o' joe. I realize what almond milk (alone) was lacking was FAT! It isn't quite as satisfying as regular milk, but I had gotten so used to it, I didn't realize what I had been missing. The days that I had coffee out of the house, I seriously missed the oil! 

    After a few days with just the oil, and seeing how much I loved it, I decided to give Bulletproof coffee a try. (Reminder: Bulletproof coffee is some type of MCT oil, in this case, Brain Octane, plus 1-2 tbsp of grass-fed, unsalted butter.) Guys, it became even richer and frothier! I was in heaven. All of the froth and richness. With this change, my morning cuppa became a sheer delight (and if you haven't realized already, I'm pretty obsessed with my morning cup). That being said, I am not going to add butter every day, just because I know from past experience my body does better with less dairy. 

    I didn't immediately notice any cognitive benefits that you are supposed to see with the oil (with the exception of my morning meditation struggling because I couldn't tame the thoughts! Or was that the caffeine?... Tough to say). Then I realized that I had been not using the full dosage. I had started using 1 tsp, had worked my way up to 2. Well, I was supposed to be using 1 tsp, working my way up to 2 TBSP. So, makes sense I wasn't seeing the level of results I was anticipating.


    With the adjustment (I landed at 1.5 tbsp) I did see vast improvement. I didn't notice any difference in results with Brain Octane Oil or proper Bulletproof Coffee, though. One of the benefits of adding butter is that it should supply steady, long-lasting energy, which may have happened, but I ate breakfast most days because I was hungry (the Bulletproof guys make it a meal replacement). So it's tricky to say if it was tied to the my morning drink. They say you won't get hungry, but I did. I kept it light: either a green smoothie or an egg with a slice of sprouted grain toast. 

    Without further ado, here are my observations: 

    • I felt less brain fog than usual. I felt sharper in whatever I was thinking, writing, or saying. It mayyyyy have increased my ability to focus - hard to say. I'm very ADD (with an actual diagnosis) so I think I saw an improvement, but not really sure. 
    • I drank my coffee faster than usual to avoid oil separation, which did lead to stomach aches a couple times. I like drinking my coffee slowly: I end up drinking less that way. So I would consider this a negative. 
    • Relating to stomach... adjusting to the oil initially made my poop a bit looser than usual. Not bad though. (Apologies if that's TMI, but thought you should know if you are experiencing that while taking the oil, it's normal! ;))
    • One of the biggest surprises was when I added a tbsp to my lunch smoothie. Normally, I do my best work in the morning - no matter what. By drinking it in my afternoon smoothie it kept my brain sharp all afternoon, when I typically struggle the most! 
    • I also noticed that by the evenings I was absolutely famished, which is not common for me. It may have increased my metabolic rate! I have lost a little bit of weight, but I have also been following Shed guidelines this month to start the year on a good note. So could be a combination of the two. 
    • One other negative, I have noticed an increase in heartburn. As I've mentioned, I've been eating very clean, so I am wondering if the oil/butter are having an impact. It could be unrelated though. (If anyone knows anything about heartburn, help a sister out! #thisis30) You all now know way too much about me. 

    In sum, I will definitely keep Brain Octane Oil as a part of my routine. I may split up 2 tablespoons - 1 in the am, 1 at lunch. The cognitive benefits were really noticeable when I increased my intake. It really upped my morning coffee game. I clearly am obsessed with the frothy yumminess. Adding butter to my coffee has really been a treat, I will probably keep using it several days a week. Although, I may try removing it for awhile though to see if helps my heartburn situation (cue *tears of laughter and of sadness at the same time*). 😂 😭 🤦🏻‍♀️

    Have you guys tried Brain Octane Oil or Bulletproof coffee? I would love to hear what you think of it! Leave a comment below or on insta. Bottoms up! -AHS

    Three Sisters and Feta Spinach Quinoa Cakes

    three sisters and feta spinach quinoa cake

    There was a restaurant near my old job called Moxee. It recently closed (shame, it was really good!), and they had a dish called the "Three Sisters." To be 100% honest with you, I never had ordered it because 1) beans cause indigestion for me - and I didn't want to eat them at work and 2) typically work was paying, and I went for a higher priced item, like a blackened salmon salad. That being said, this was a favorite for a lot of my colleagues (apparently they didn't have the same issue with beans... *side eye*).  I was asked recently to try and recreate it. The humor in all of this is that I had never eaten it. So I basically I took the ingredients and made my own #shedapproved version. 

    But first, I was intrigued, I hadn't heard of the "three sisters" before this, so I did a quick google, and I was fascinated by my findings. According to the all-knowing Wikipedia, apparently, the three sisters are the three main agricultural crops of various Native American groups in North America: winter squash, maize (corn), and climbing beans.

    "The three crops are planted close together and benefit from each other. The maize provides a structure for the beans to climb, eliminating the need for poles. The beans provide the nitrogen to the soil that the other plants use, and the squash spreads along the ground, blocking the sunlight, helping prevent the establishment of weeds. The squash leaves also act as a 'living mulch', creating a microclimate to retain moisture in the soil, and the prickly hairs of the vine deter pests. Corn, beans, and squash contain complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, and all eight essential amino acids, allowing most Native American tribes to thrive on a plant-based diet."

    I mean, I don't know about you, but I think that this is pretty much the most amazing thing ever. How cool that the Native Americans figured this out: 1) From an agricultural standpoint and 2) from a biological, nutritional perspective. This inspired me to do the dish justice. I got to work. 

    Here was the menu description: "Vegetarian hash with roasted butternut squash, corn, and pinto beans (3 sisters) topped with sweet peppers, onions and a light roasted garlic sauce with a grilled herb polenta cake."

    Well, no knock to polenta, but it's not shed approved, so it was out. To give homage to our South American Native Americans (hello Incans!), I thought quinoa could be a good substitute. As I had never made a "quinoa cake" before, I looked to pinterest for inspiration. It did not disappoint. I found a recipe from the Domestic Superhero that seemed would work perfectly. There was a catch, she had used breadcrumbs in her recipe (not Shed approved) – would it still work? Well spoiler alert: it worked just fine without them. Didn't miss them either! 

    Also, I made one other big change to the original menu item - the light roasted garlic sauce became tzatziki. This gives it a bit of a mediterranean flair (I'm Lebanese, what can I say, can't help myself!). The lemon zest and feta were just asking for the tzatziki. While these vibes seem to not be the same, I can tell you, the flavors complimented each other beautifully.  

    The rest of the recipe seems to speak for itself. I hope you try it- it's perfect for #meatlessmonday! Have a great day, beauties! 


    Three Sisters 


    three sisters feta spinach quinoa cakes 2
    • 2 tbsp olive oil, divided
    • 1 lb 5 oz butternut squash, cubed
    • 2 cloves garlic, minced
    • 2 tsp liquid aminos 
    • 1 can pinto beans, rinsed and drained
    • 1 can sweet corn, drained (it's winter- in the summer I would use fresh!)
    • 1 cup yellow onion, chopped 
    • 5 small sweet peppers, deseeded and sliced horizontally


    Heat 1 tbsp olive oil over medium heat. Add butternut squash, cook for a couple minutes. Add garlic and add liquid aminos. When butternut squash is 75% finished (softer, but not cooked all the way through), add pinto beans and corn. Mix well. Cook until butternut squash is soft. 

    While butternut squash is cooking, in another skillet heat 1 tbsp olive oil over low heat. Add 1 cup chopped onion and sweet peppers. Cook until onions are browned and peppers are soft. 

    Serve onion and pepper mix on butternut squash mixture. Pair with Feta Spinach Quinoa Cakes. 

    feta spinach quinoa cakes

    (Adapted from Domestic Superhero


    • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
    • 1/2 cup finely chopped onion
    • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
    • 5 ounces chopped baby spinach
    • 2 large eggs, beaten
    • 1 1/4 cups cooked quinoa
    • 2 ounces crumbled feta cheese
    • 1/4 teaspoon grated lemon zest
    • Tzatziki sauce


    Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook, stirring often, until softened, about 4 minutes. Add the spinach and cook, stirring often, until wilted, about 3 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a medium-size bowl.

    Add the eggs, quinoa, feta, lemon zest, and 1/4 tsp black pepper and mix well. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes to allow the bread crumbs to absorb some of the moisture.

    Wipe out large skillet, and add extra virgin olive oil. Heat for a few minutes.

    Form quinoa patties about 2 1/2 inches in diameter and 1/2 inch thick. Place the patties in skillet, in batches if necessary. Cook the patties until they’re browned on the outside, 4 to 5 minutes per side, and then flip.

    Serve with a dab of Tzatziki sauce on each patty. 


    • I eliminated breadcrumbs, a homemade sauce, and dill from the original recipe. 
    • Breadcrumbs were eliminated because they are empty calories. The recipe works without them, but I’m sure it would be great with them as well. 
    • To make life easier I thought it best to use pre-made Tzatziki which already has dill in it. Thought doubling up on dill was unnecessary. 
    • Lastly, you could try baking the patties as well to time the meal better. 

    Update 2/13/18: The first version of this post was missing the measurement for butternut squash. Error is now corrected. 

    Brain Octane Oil, MCT Oil, or Bulletproof Coffee? Send help!

    bulletproof brain octane oil

    Many of you have probably heard of Bulletproof coffee. It became all the rage a couple years back. Butter in coffee? Yuck or YES? Hard to say. Nonetheless, you probably heard something about it. If you looked into it you probably heard that bulletproof coffee consists of coffee + MCT oil or Brain Octane Oil + butter from grass-fed cows, frothed/blended into a "latte." I won't delve into all the pros of making this particular concoction in this article, but will focus on the unique oils that contribute to it. MCT oil and Brain Octane Oil seem to be everywhere. In matcha, coffee, smoothies, you name it- people are adding it! But what is it? It sounds scary and complicated. 

    Well, I wouldn't define it as scary, but to explain it I would just say it's "science-y". Let me break it down: 

    MCT is an abbreviation of medium-chain triglycerides also known as medium-chain fatty acids. All fats are categorized by how many carbons they have. There are short-chain (less than 6 carbons), medium-chain (6-12 carbons), and long-chain (13-21 carbons) fatty acids. Omega 3 fats (love those!) are long-chain. MCTs are absorbed in the body better than long-chain because they are smaller. It is easier for the body to utilize them for this reason. (Note: this does not mean to stop eating Omega 3s though! Omega 3s are anti-inflammatory, awesome for our cognitive function, and also may help lower the risk of heart disease, depression, dementia, and arthritis.) Did I lose you, yet? Don't worry, the worst is over!

    But why are MCTs a top source of essential healthy fats? According to Dr. Axe,  "Medium-chain fats are digested easily and sent directly to your liver, where they have a thermogenic effect and the ability to positively alter your metabolism. This is one reason why many people claim that MCTs, including coconut oil, are burned by the body for energy, or “fuel,” instead of being stored as fat." So basically, they can be awesome for weight loss. 

    Some of the reported benefits of incorporating MCTs in your diet:

    • Having more energy
    • Thinking more clearly
    • Feeling satisfied and full, which helps in maintaining a healthy weight
    • Reducing body fat by raising metabolic function
    • Better digestion
    • Hormonal balance
    • Mood improvement
    • Fight bacterial infection and viruses
    • Increased ability to absorb fat-soluble nutrients from various foods

    In addition to getting MCTs from supplementing, they also occur naturally in coconut oil, butter (from grass-fed cows), whole milk, full-fat yogurt, palm oil and cheeses. 

    So, where does Brain Octane Oil fit in? Well, it is a form of MCT oil. The fancy one of the bunch. It is also known as Caprylic acid or MCT C8. There are other variations of MCT oils, one of which is XCT oil (a mix of C8+C10). XCT oil was the original used in bulletproof coffee. I won't focus on the others, but know there are other variations. 

    The biggest perk I heard about Brain Octane Oil was that it helps your brain kick into gear quickly in the morning. According to Eduard de Wilde of Live Helfi, "The body rapidly metabolizes Brain Octane Oil into ketones that the brain can use for instant energy without the need for glucose from carbohydrates or sugar." This means it offers a higher level of brain performance than XCT Oil or other MCT oils.

    In addition:

    • (Brain) Octane Oil helps balance yeast in the digestive tract. If your gut is out of whack in this way, you could experience: bloat, IBS, depression, and other awful stuff. 
    • Brain Octane Oil has been known to help with hypertension and Crohn's Disease, to boot.

    Yes. This HP mug is bae. 

    Yes. This HP mug is bae. 

    Okay- so now we know this stuff seems pretty awesome. But what happens when you actually start taking it?  

    I am going to take Brain Octane Oil every day for a week and will report back with my findings. I can give you a mini preview:  it froths beautifully (see pic) and tastes amazing.  I will leave the rest of the updates for when I report back. 

    Also, I used the following articles to help form this post: 

    If you are looking for more details I recommend reading at your leisure! 



    Looking forward to updating you soon! Have a great week, loves! 


    New Year, New Intentions

    New Year Goal Setting

    It's that time of year again! We are all feeling the post-holiday blues/ bloat. I don't know about you guys, but I love the feeling of a fresh new start and I am feeling pumped about 2018! I actually subscribe to the belief that you can set goals at any time (so feel free to come back to this page later if you aren't quite in the mood yet!). That being said, the new year always feels like a great time to reflect and hone in on what you want to achieve over the next year. Also, any new brides out there? This is the time to reflect on how you want to feel in your engagement "season". 

    I am going to walk you through my intention/ goal-setting method. There are so many variations out there, and I use a bit of a hybrid. 

    The biggest question that gets overlooked with New Years resolutions is "why?". Why do you you want to accomplish stated goal or resolution. If you aren't connected with your why you aren't going to reach that goal, and if you do- you probably won't feel satisfied by it! Connect with your why

    One answer to the "why" question is answered by author and influencer, Danielle Laporte. This lady knows where it is AT when it comes to goals. I highly recommend her book, The Desire Map. She has figured out that it is not just about what you are achieving, but really, how you want to feel when you accomplish the goal, and throughout the process. Feelings are often the "why." She encourages you to come up with your core desired feelings. I reflect on them and adjust every year. Pick no more than 5, it can be really challenging to focus if you have more than 5. They should be high vibe. Take some time,  sit with them. Make sure they feel right!

    My 2018 core desired feelings are written in the back of my planner! 

    My 2018 core desired feelings are written in the back of my planner! 

    My five for the year are: 

    1. Thrive 
    2. Disciplined 
    3. Glow 
    4. Heart-centered
    5. Nourished

    A theme I've observed over the past few years is that I crave "connection." I need my humans! But this year, instead of using that word - I decided this year that "heart-centered" is more relevant and will bring me connection. My point being, it is okay to change things up! These words should light you up and feel excited!

    Once you feel good about your 5 core desired feelings, then we can talk goals and intentions. 

    At the beginning of the year I like to focus on my 'intentions" versus "goals." What's the difference? Well I think of intentions as where I want to spend my energy. It is a judgement free zone. Goals are more specific. You either accomplish them or you don't. I like to make goals SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Lastly, I don't use the term "resolutions" because it implies that something needs to be "resolved" as if you weren't fine as you were last year! Poo poo. 

    Here is an example: 

    • An intention for this year for me is to "feel good in my body". This ties back to the core desired feelings of the year of: thrive, disciplined, glow, and nourished. 
    • A SMART goal under that intention could be "practice yoga 5 days a week through the end of March."

    By accomplishing my goal of practicing yoga 5 days a week through the end of March I should "feel good in my body" and subsequently help me to feel thriving, glowy, disciplined and nourished. Make sense? 

    I choose specific areas of my life that I want to set intentions for. Each segment has an intention that links back to my core desired feelings of the year. This year I chose health, career, family, community, spirituality, and travel. What are the important pillars in your life you want to set intentions for? Other options could be, but aren't limited to,  "relationships," "personal," or "home".  

    Each month I try to set SMART goals that link back to the intention. For me, just having the intentions written out really helps me focus in my daily life. I rebel sometimes against goals- they feel too forced. BUT sometimes I need more specific goals to accomplish bigger things though. Deadlines are important!

    We are human. There is no perfect solution. This is my own method that works for me. Everyone is different. The way our brains work can vary so much. Know yourself. Don't push against your own nature. You are brilliant as you are. Lean into your personality, and it will make it so much easier. Maybe you know that you won't accomplish anything unless you have concrete goals written out. If you know that - you better get those goals written out! Maybe you know you rebel against goals - better to focus on your intentions and desired feelings.

    Also to note: this should actually take you time. If you figure out your goals in 30 minutes, you probably have not connected well with your why. (Alternatively, you did all this leg work already and feel very connected to your why! And then you are prepared. :)) You don't have to have everything figured out immediately. Enjoy the process. Take some time, drink some tea, cozy up, and do some soul digging! 

    You are the captain of your own ship- you get to steer where you want to go! Isn't that incredible? Goals and intentions light me up, because I just love helping people get stoked about their lives, and that is what it is all about! 

    To wrap this up: where are you going to spend your energy this year? What are you going to accomplish? Or not? Sometimes, "just be" is the answer. 

    If you have any questions about my process or would like help with your own goals, shoot me an email ( or leave a comment below! This ish brings me so much joy, I would love to hear from you beauties!

    Cheers to new beginnings! 







    So what's up with collagen?

    If you have followed any wellness gurus or influencers at all for at least the past 6 months, you will know that drinking collagen has been a hot topic. I woke up one day and the only thing I saw was collagen, everywhere! On my insta feed, every wellness 'grammer was posting about it. I went to the Cubs game, they were sponsored by Vital Proteins. An athlete friend of mine was all of a suddenly repping them. I couldn't escape! 

    Then I began to think, "Is this stuff magical? Could it change my life? Is this something brides should be into? Eh, probs just an excellent marketing team." Either way, it was worth trying. 

    So what is collagen? Why should we drink it? What are the supposed benefits? It seems like there are a million products out there, which one do I try? Where does it come from? I'll try to catch you up on my learnings. 

    What is collagen and why should i take it? 

    Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. Why take it? Because the intake of collagen ensures the cohesion, elasticity and regeneration of skin, hair, tendon, cartilage, bones and joints. It has been proven to: 

    1. Promote younger looking skin
    2. Improve skin moisture level and suppleness
    3. Improve skin smoothness
    4. Prevent the formation of deep wrinkles
    5. Help protect connective tissues & restore muscles
    6. Replenish moisture levels in hair
    7. Support nail growth
    8. Aid in gut health (digestion, healing the gut lining, and more!)

    Um, this stuff is sounding very intriguing to me. As I turned 30 this year, I have become a bit obsessed with my skin. This is honestly my primary motivation in trying collagen. Is this going to make me glow? I'm also super into the gut health perks. 

    Which product to try and where it comes from

    I decided to try Vital Proteins. They seem to be the industry front runner (and from Chi! holla!)  and while also being up to my animal product standards. They are sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine hides from Brazil. The pasture size for each animal is one animal per 2.67 acres which is in alignment with the Global Animal Partnership 5-step animal welfare rating standards.

    I try to make my life easier not harder- the product fit the specs on my first try- I didn't see the need to keep searching. There are definitely other collagens out there, but I have not tried them, so cannot speak to their qualities. I'm sure there are a lot of other great options and would love to hear about any other brands you have tried! 

    My personal experience

    I ended up buying the 10oz canister of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides to test it out. The canister lasted me about a month. I put one scoop in my coffee every day. Technically, the serving is two scoops, but one seemed enough initially. I tend to slowly work my way to the full amounts suggested. It dissolves beautifully into warm liquid. You can mix it in hot, cold, or even put it in sauces or baked goods. I haven't tried anything but my coffee.

    I have a really hard time eating immediately when I wake up, and it's a really easy way to get my first dose of protein in before I even eat breakfast. When I ran out, I actually missed it in my coffee. For an addition that is flavorless, I was a bit perplexed by that observation. I think it just added a more satiating component by adding protein with the coffee. Maybe I should try bulletproof coffee next?  

    My nails and hair are growing awkwardly fast. I've always had really strong nails, but I'm actually having to cut them all the time. My hair is the same (the ROOTS! :() My skin has been looking really good, and dare I say, "supple"?  (Sans an awful stress pimple on my left cheek of course.) Did I achieve a "glow"? Eh, I'm going to say that is a stretch. Did I notice a change in my digestive health? Not really. Overall though, I could see and feel a difference. 

    So who knows, is it placebo? Could be. Did I miss taking it when I ran out? Yeah, I did. Would I say I recommend it? Yep, I would. 

    In fact, because I liked taking it so much, I decided to become an affiliate for Vital Proteins. That means that if you click on any of the links (affiliate links) in this post, at no cost to you, I will earn commission if you click through and make a purchase. But to be clear, this review was not paid for by Vital Proteins and my opinions are all my own. 


    I'm really into the idea of collagen. My skin obsession is just getting worse with age, and I like being able to fight the aging process from the inside out. I personally noticed improvements to my skin, nails, and hair. It is an easy addition to my routine without any fuss. I would give it a 9/10. It would get a 10/10 if it was slightly more economically accessible. 

    I've only tried the original collagen peptides but I'm really excited about trying the matcha and the creamers. What do you guys think? Will you give it a shot?  I would love to hear what you think of it! Leave me a note in the comments or on insta!

    To learn more or to buy click here.

    Other thoughts

    When doing Shed I encourage plant based protein powders. Why are collagen peptides okay and other non plant-based protein powders aren't #shedapproved? 

    I encourage plant-based proteins because the more we source our foods from plants, the better we all will be. That being said, I am not currently a vegan. My body does not thrive when I eat exclusively plant-based foods. Also, one of the more common form of protein powders is whey protein. I do not encourage taking whey protein because whey is a form of dairy and dairy causes inflammation in the body. While collagen peptides are definitively animal products- they are not dairy. 

    Peach Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding

    Peach vanilla chia seed pudding 2

    The past couple weeks I really have not been home very much. Between post-Thanksgiving travel, my boo traveling for work, and spending time at the hospital with my step-dad - I haven't wanted to go to the grocery store, buy a bunch produce and then have it all die before I can use it. 

    So for meals, I have been trying very hard to utilize what I already have in the house (which is why you saw me eat coconut chips for lunch yesterday. Sad.). It is also helping me save money, because all my money typically goes towards food. 

    Last night's dinner was Trader Joe's frozen turkey burgers (no buns) with balsamic caramelized onions along with some frozen broccoli steamed in the microwave with lemon and romano cheese. Pretty dang good. 

    Yesterday I used the last of the eggs, which by now, you have realized is my go to brekky of choice. Instead of going to the store like a normal human, I chose the alternative, find a way to make what I had in the house work. And I'm so glad I did! 

    Thus today's recipe inspiration emerged. I had a whole tub of frozen peaches from last summer. I had frozen them at their peak ripeness (bought too many, couldn't eat them all!!) so they have a perfect flavor! I have heaps of chia seeds (my preferred add on for my omega 3s!). I still had some almond milk. I still had protein powder. 

    I made Peach Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding and it was perfect. I devoured it. My husband loved it. Even though it is cold outside, it was like a fresh taste of summer coming to warm me up! 

    See the recipe below. You are over the hump babes! Happy Thursday! xx

    Peach Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding

    overnight PEACH vanilla chia pudding (serves 1)


    • 1/2 cup peaches
    • 1/3 cup chia seeds 
    • 1 ½ cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk 
    • 1/3 cup vanilla plant based protein powder


    Combine ingredients as listed in container of your choice. Stir the protein to eliminate any powder bubbles.  Let sit overnight. Mix in the morning. Enjoy! 

    NOTE: I know not everyone has access to perfect peaches right now, but you can find frozen peaches at the store- just make sure there aren't any syrups added!