Matcha Collagen Fat Balls

shed for the wed matcha fat ball
alexandra hayden shea matcha fat balls

As a special request, I attempted Lee from America's Coconut Fat Balls. I altered the recipe slightly to fit my needs, one of which was MATCHA. Cuz matcha is always a need right?

matcha collagen fat balls food processor

I added Vital Proteins Matcha Collagen, to boot. Why? Matcha contains 137 times the amount of free radical-fighting antioxidants as other green teas and you now can eat them! AND as you know from my collagen post there are so many benefits to adding collagen into your routine. Hello healthy hair, skin, nails, bones and joints! The works. This was a fun way to try out a new way to get my collagen into the routine!

If you follow Lee, you may know she is obsessed Coconut Butter. I have yet to try the magical substance, and it is not available everywhere. That's where my good friend ghee comes in. I substituted ghee for coco butter, and it worked really well. It probably gave the balls a slightly different texture. I think it's the reason my "balls" really look more like cookies. 

Ghee is a form of clarified butter and it's kinda amazing. It's great for people who are sensitive to dairy and it has a higher smoke point than plain butter. Confused about what it is? Clarified butter starts as unsalted butter that is heated on low heat, which causes the milk solids to separate from the rest of the liquid. The milk solids fall to the bottom of the pan after the butter melts. Any foam sitting on the surface is removed. Ghee takes it one step further- after the milk solids separate the butter is simmered until all of the moisture evaporates and the milk solids brown slightly in the pan. This gives ghee a richer, nuttier flavor. 

I tried at first to fit them on a cookie sheet- my freezer was not big enough for that. So I switched to the plate. 

I tried at first to fit them on a cookie sheet- my freezer was not big enough for that. So I switched to the plate. 

Yep, that's Stolichnaya in my fridge. All about balance right? Fat balls and Stoli, what a combo. 

Yep, that's Stolichnaya in my fridge. All about balance right? Fat balls and Stoli, what a combo. 

Ghee also has a lot of awesome health benefits - one of which is being anti-inflammatory which is one of my bigger qualms with dairy in general. It also helps to improve digestion, build strong bones, and even can act as a detoxifier!  To learn more about ghee's benefits, read this article.

Back to the fat balls... got a little distracted by glorious ghee there for a moment! I also thought I had dates in the fridge- and I only had one! So to make up for it I added a smidge of honey. I thought it would make them super sticky, but it didn't in the end! The original recipe called for 3 dates – if you would prefer that to honey! Also, apologies to any of you with nut or coconut allergies- just reading the recipe may cause you to break out into hives. 

What I loved about the balls is that they are a perfect snack. If I do a smoothie for lunch and I get hungry- it's the perfect balance and it really feels like a treat! I sometimes forget they are in the freezer - and it's so awesome to find them when I am really wanting a treat and can't find anything! Also side note: I do not advise eating these as an after dinner dessert. They are obviously full of fat, and your body will not have a good amount of time to digest them before bed! Better as an afternoon treat. :)

Oh, one more thing! If you want to make these matcha collagen style like I did, Vital Proteins is having a promo this week: buy one get one 20% off. It's going on through 5/28. So take advantage if you can! You can buy here.


So without further ado the recipe is below! 

Vital Proteins did not pay me to write this post. But they did provide the matcha! If you buy through any of the links I provide, I will get a small commission at no added cost to you. :) And just in case you weren't sure, my opinions all my own. 

Matcha Collagen Fat Balls

(adapted from Lee from America's Coconut Fat Balls) 

matcha fat balls


  • 1 cup coconut shreds
  • 1/2 c. coconut oil, melted
  • 1/4 cup ghee, melted
  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1/4 cup pepitas
  • 1/2 cup cashews (I used roasted unsalted)
  • 2 tbsp cacao nibs
  • 1 scoop Vital Proteins Matcha Collagen
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 medjool date (pitted)
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1/3 c. almond milk


  • Food Processor
  • (Some say a blender can be used instead, but I haven't tested it.)


  1. Blend everything in a food processor until dough is achieved. Dough will be wet, that’s good!
  2. Roll into bite sized balls then lay flat and freeze. Once frozen, place in an airtight container and put back in the freezer for storing. They can last for a while in there! 
  3. Remove from freezer and let thaw 6 minutes before eating for optimal deliciousness!

My Best Friend's (African) Wedding

Photo by Eileen Laubscher, BrightGirl Photography.

Photo by Eileen Laubscher, BrightGirl Photography.

To give a bit of background, the my bestie, Anna, lived in Cape Town for a few years, a few years ago. That is when she met Awonke back in 2012. (Fun fact: I came to visit her and met him the month before they started dating! I'm very glad I did because I wouldn't have gotten another opportunity to meet him for at least another 3 years after that!) She moved back to the States in 2014 (right before my wedding!) and these two lovebirds have been doing long distance ever since. I won't go into specifics but it has not been an easy road for them. Through long distance, to immigration issues – it would have been so much easier for them to pull the plug on this relationship a long time ago. But they didn't, thankfully, because they love each other a whole lot.  This wedding was sublime, not just because of the setting or culture, but because it was the start of a new beginning for these two beautiful souls who deserve to be together, wherever they want to be, forever. 

The wedding took place in Durban, South Africa in April – and it was glorious. 

My only picture from that night that is worthy of sharing. 

My only picture from that night that is worthy of sharing. 

Day 1: Bachelorette Party (and Bachelor Party)

I flew in and made it by 8pm after delays lasting for more than 8 hours! Woof. Not everyone was in yet, but we had a lovely evening drinking wine and catching up with some of my favorite humans. Just, ya know, in Africa. 

Simultaneously the bachelor party was going on, and I think it was a bit... more wild... than our evening. 


Day 2: Welcome... and other monkey business

This was the day mostly everyone arrived, so there were last minute details to finish. We distributed welcome bags to the hotel rooms of the guests. They were stacked with goodies, one of which was "biltong" a South African specialty, which is basically another form of beef jerky. The local monkeys knew that there were goodies inside- and I was "attacked." Dramatic. Basically, the monkey lunged at me so I would drop my goods. Luckily, a groomsman came to my aid and escorted me to my room. Because I kept the welcome bag... the MONKEYS FOLLOWED ME to my room! Here is a sentence I never thought I'd say or write – monkeys are sexist and harassers. It's true!! They leave men alone and harass women. Also side note: when I was in Cape Town in 2012 we were attacked by baboons... ask me about that story another time. :)

I also was able to go to the beach with the sistah's of the bride (and co-MOHs!). And that evening was the welcome party! It was amazing to meet so many wonderful people who love my friends just as much as I do. It's always fun to meet friends from different phases in life, but rarely do you have an opportunity to meet friends from another continent. "Good people beget good people,™" is my wedding mantra and this wedding did not disappoint. The party went on long into the night! I should've gone to bed early, but hey, lost track of time, begetting goodness. 

Day 3: It's happening! Wedding day!

Today was the day we had been waiting for, the actual wedding! It was a perfect day. I woke up to a spectacular sunrise (#jetlag). We drank bubbles alongside our dandelion root tea (#shedtip to cure bloat! and yes these two things probably cancelled each other out), got our hair did, and took photos. The ceremony was in a church on top of a hill, with a window wall behind the altar that overlooked the ocean. I was honored to do a reading and be one of the witnesses to their union. The priest was a character. And here is really where things began to get interesting. The groom's family sang the most beautiful songs every chance they could, (you can hear some post wedding in the video below). It was just the beginning. And just like that, these two were married!

(Please don't judge my video skills - I was just trying to capture some of the music and dancing of the day! I legit have no editing skills, feel free to fast forward!)

The cocktail hour looked out over the ocean with an abundance of incredible food. The reception was full of love, laughter, tears, and 10 speeches. No, not a typo, 10 speeches. But they were interspersed throughout the evening and flowed beautifully. There was spontaneous dancing mid-eating. More singing. Dance offs. It was perfect. 

Day 4: the Zulu Wedding

I don't think I've mentioned yet that the entire wedding experience did not feel like real life. It was incredible. And then, the Zulu festivities began. And then it really felt like a dream!

To be clear, I am no where close to being an expert on South Africa's history or culture, but I will try to illuminate on what I do know. There are many tribes (I believe I've read that there are more than 3000) in South Africa, but there are two main tribes that tend to dominate - the largest is Zulu, the second largest are the Xhosa. IsiZulu is South Africa's most widely spoken official language. The groom's father was Zulu and his mother was Xhosa, but it's a patriarchal culture so he is considered Zulu. Even for a lot of the South African's there, many had never been to a Zulu wedding, so it was a privilege to have been in attendance. 

As a member of Anna's "tribe," we waited patiently at a neighbors house down the road from the groom's parents, waiting for Awonke's tribe to come fetch her! They came singing and dancing down the road singing that Anna was their's! 

Really the best way to describe the day is by watching the compilation below. It includes a lot of singing and dancing. It ends with an impressive performance by the groom!

(Note: The groom's brother, Anelisa, was married a couple years ago, but they did not have a full Zulu celebration, so they celebrated his marriage at the same time. So there are co-grooms and co-brides in some of these photos.)

The co-grooms! Awonke (left) and Anelisa (right).

The co-grooms! Awonke (left) and Anelisa (right).

Aren't they beautiful? The co-brides in their first outfit change for the day! Belinda (left) and Anna (right). 

Aren't they beautiful? The co-brides in their first outfit change for the day! Belinda (left) and Anna (right). 

The father of the bride after receiving his blanket! 

The father of the bride after receiving his blanket! 

Earlier in the week, the family had slaughtered a goat and a cow in honor of the festivities. In Zulu culture it symbolizes to the ancestors that a celebration is beginning. What I think is wonderful is that they use every part of the animal. The hide of the goat will be made into a rug for the newlyweds. The meat was served at the reception. They passed around a feast of bread, sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, goat and beef on platters a plenty. I unfortunately didn't get a picture(?!). Shocking I know, I think I was just too excited to eat it! 

The ceremony was long – about 4 1/2 hours - but as you you could see in the video, it was mesmerizing. A large portion of the time was dedicated to gift giving. From the groom's family to the brides and vice versa. The gift of choice were blankets. Everyone gave everyone blankets. I'm not sure what the symbolism was behind it, except for general hospitality - and if you ever come to visit you know there will be extra blankets! 

In the Zulu tradition, Anna had to put this necklace around Awonke's neck to make their marriage offish. 

In the Zulu tradition, Anna had to put this necklace around Awonke's neck to make their marriage offish. 

The moment! 

The moment! 

Many of the elders in the family gave the newlyweds advice. Ranging from conjugal rights to not looking at your husband's phone, the topics proved entertaining!

The elders had a front row view of the festivities.

The elders had a front row view of the festivities.

New Friends In Durban
Met these fun ladies on the way to the bathroom!

Met these fun ladies on the way to the bathroom!

Love them so much! 

Love them so much! 

We ended the evening celebrating the groom's birthday. Can you imagine a better way to spend your birthday?! 

We are singing "Happy birthday" - can you tell?

We are singing "Happy birthday" - can you tell?

Outfit change with a view! 

Outfit change with a view! 

The only pic I have with both of them! 

The only pic I have with both of them! 

Bride Tribe

There is probably so much I missed, but I tried to do the celebrations justice. The weekend was so joyous and truly was a celebration of love!  I was honored to be involved. And I will end with this: 

"Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." - Maya Angelou

Cheers to the newlyweds and their happily ever after. - AHS 

5 Things I Wish I Had Done To Stay Healthy While Traveling Abroad

birds of paradise durban south africa

While London was a case study in what to do right, South Africa was a study in my failings. Learn from my mistakes. Study up if you have a honeymoon in your near future! 


1. Put vanity aside, and get yourself a face mask.

Yes, I'm talking about those SARS masks. Really, the first tip is don't be too embarrassed to wear a face mask to protect you from other people's germs when you have a lot of travel ahead of you. I wish I had brought one, the man next to me on the plane was clearly very sick, and I know I caught a flu/cold from him. I don't think any of you will actually do it- but seriously, it's worth the embarrassment. If nothing more just have one on hand, just in case you need saving from Mr. Sniffles in the middle seat.


2. Skip the booze on the plane.

Night one. We got down on some wine. 

Night one. We got down on some wine. 

While I don’t normally drink on flights- this was a lot of travel. 2 full days of it (the trip doesn't normally take this long, but longer than usual layovers plus delays made it so). I don't take sleeping pills or melatonin (doesn't help me) on planes, and a bit of wine can help knock me out. While that may be okay in a normal vacation scenario -  I went straight into wedding "party mode" when I arrived: a bachelorette party, a welcome party, a traditional wedding, and a Zulu wedding all consecutive days. If I had skipped booze on the plane,  I would have been in better shape for all the parties ahead. Instead, I was dehydrated, and it left my immune system a lil bit weaker than usual (which as you learned earlier, was not the best). 


Glass half full <3

Glass half full <3

3. Make hydration a priority  

I repeatedly struggled to drink enough water, especially throughout wedding festivities (and I probably needed it the most then!). I had debated on bringing a big ole water bottle with me, but decided against it because my carry on was already approaching 30 lbs. In retrospect, I would've brought the bottle and left some books at home! 


4. Make time to meditate

As mentioned before, when I landed I went straight into wedding chaos. My first morning I had a bit of time, but instead of waking and doing my morning meditation, I let curiosity and excitement get the better of me and I went to go explore. Regrets, friends, regrets. That was the last opportunity I had for meditation for the next 3 days. Late nights, early mornings, and lots of parties prevented me from keeping up with my routine. While skipping these things are okay while on vacation- I missed out on good self care that would've served me well! I didn't let the habit lapse the whole trip though – after the wedding events ended I got back into my routine! :) 

At the top of Lion's Head Mountain in Cape Town... perhaps not the safest meditation spot.&nbsp;

At the top of Lion's Head Mountain in Cape Town... perhaps not the safest meditation spot. 

5. Bring a pharmacy

I'm an experienced traveler, and I thought I was prepared, but I really was not. I had all my supplements with me, but no medicine. While I took special probiotics to prevent traveler's diarrhea, they didn't really work. I'm not exactly sure why, but regardless, I wish I had brought some Imodium in my kit. I also had menstrual cramps- Aleve, please. I had a fever (yes, I couldn't catch a break) - Ibuprofen was necessary. My sickness evolved into a cold/cough from h*ll - so I definitely needed some cold meds and throat lozenges. 

A lot of these goods were available at the local chemist, but I was not staying close to town for the first part of the trip. However, I was saved because I had friends who, unlike me, brought pharmacies with them. So moral of the story is to plan for the worst case scenario. The only thing worse than getting sick on vacation is not having meds to make you feel better. 

Side note: I'm a bit hippy dippy and when I'm at home. I try to not take medicine unless I really need it. I like to hydrate, rest, and let nature take it's course. However, in the case of vacation in far away places, this is the time to hop right off that high horse and take some meds. Your time away is short, and you want to savor these memories, not recalling how terrible you felt!

I hope these tips were helpful and you learned from my mistakes! What's the biggest travel fail you've ever experienced? Leave me a note in the comments below or on Insta! - AHS


Looking for more travel tips? Check out the posts below! 




Mini Guide to London

I love London: good eats, sweat, and all the culture – what's not to love?! After my trip there last month I decided to share some of my best finds (and TBH it's really what others recommended to me first). Just to be clear, this is by no means a comprehensive list, but just some highlights that I wanted to share. All of the places listed are linked (mostly in title).  I hope this round up helps you have a "well" (like wellness? get it?) rounded visit! (Side note: I wrote this mostly in the most oppressive layover at Heathrow ever. Seems fitting no?!)

Shoreditch Specific

Ace Hotel London birthday champagne and brownie surprise

Shoreditch is in East London, and is known to be an eclectic and diverse neighborhood. Incredible street art. Amazing coffeeshops. It felt like the perfect place to be. 

We stayed at the Ace Hotel, and could not speak more highly of the experience. It's a very cool place. Live music almost every night, awesome lobby designed for getting work done. Minimalist and hip, it felt very in tune with the East London neighborhood it resides in. Besides that, the hotel found out it was my birthday and sent champagne and brownies - they know a way to a girl's heart. 

East London Juice Co

Attached to the Ace Hotel, this is a completely women-owned and operated juice and crystal shop. My own Mecca. The ladies who work here are super knowledgable about their adaptogens AND crystals. I loved chatting with them. It's also externally attached to the Ace, so very convenient if you are staying there or in the neighborhood. 

Chocolate Adaptogen Mylkshake

Chocolate Adaptogen Mylkshake

East London Juice Co. menu and crystals

East London Juice Co. menu and crystals

Hoi Polloi

This is one of the restaurants inside of the Ace. I worked from here a couple days, great ambiance. On Sunday, my husband and I did their afternoon tea. There was live jazz that really set the tone. It was amazing. If nothing else, go for the perfect buttery scones. #treatyoself

GF, Vegan Avo Toast at Redemption.&nbsp;

GF, Vegan Avo Toast at Redemption. 


This spot is LEGIT. Vegan. Gluten free. AVOCADO THAT GOES ON FOR DAYS. I sat there by myself and ATE ALL OF THAT TOAST. ALL. OF. IT. A good spot to eat and read a book (I did!).  All of the good vibes. 


I had 3 independent friends recommend this place and it did not disappoint. Seriously, the best Indian food ever. Taste bud explosions on repeat. Everything was fabulous. My photos didn't do it justice (thus not featured). Click the link (title) to see the Bombay aesthetic. 


Peruvian tapas. Yep you heard that right. Another restaurant that makes your taste buds go BOOM. There wasn't one thing we tried that was mediocre. It's a small place, but packed with charm. 

Triyoga - they also have juices and wifi! Another great spot to post up to get some work done post flow!&nbsp;

Triyoga - they also have juices and wifi! Another great spot to post up to get some work done post flow! 


If you were watching my instagram stories, you learned that I may or may not have died during the Level 2 yoga class I took at Triyoga. It was a very challenging class. It seemed like everyone in the class was a regular, but they were very welcoming. Especially when I requested to be close to the wall once I learned there would be a lot of inversion work. The studio was pristine. They also do massages and pilates! So much to love! 

Spitalfields Market

The Spitalfield Markets are a cool indoor/outdoor year round market. From jewelry, to plants, to baby clothing, you can find it all there! Oh and not to mention some incredible smelling food vendors- we unforch did not have an opportunity to try them though! 

We went on a Sunday, but they are open 7 days a week. I believe the vendors vary. 

Brick Lane Vintage Markets

Brick Lane Vintage Markets Eats

Just a quick walk from the Spitalfields Market are the Brick Lane Markets (only on Sundays). Amazing vintage finds, handmade unique items, and MORE FOOD! (again that I didn't eat - I wasn't prepared!!) I didn't get any worthy pics of the vintage section because it was crazy crowded. But if you are into unique vintage finds, it's def worth checking out. 

Also of note, apparently up the road from there is a Sunday flower market. We really wanted to go, but we just got a little too cold. I hear its awesome if you are visiting in better weather. 



Around Town (Not Shoreditch)


Victoria & Albert Museum

As you can see from the photo below, it's worth a stop just to eat at the cafe. Some truly incredible exhibits, and just gorgeously curated. 

Victoria and Albert Museum V&A Museum Cafe

British Museum

Can you say Egypt? I would come back to this museum alone just for their Ancient Egyptian collection. I took the picture below, and right behind me was the ACTUAL Rosetta Stone. I almost missed it. This place is a must see if you are at all interested in history.  

British Museum Egypt Exhibit


Other key attractions

St. Paul's -  Westminster Abbey's less popular sister. This place is STUNNING! If you aren't going to services it does cost to tour, but totally worth it. Also, trivia fact, Princess Diana and Charles tied the knot here (instead of the Abbey) because it could hold more guests! It's one of the 2 places the royal family can get married. 

St. Paul's Cathedral London


Food and Drink

Coppa Club Igloos

We are full on in spring mode now, so not sure how long the igloos will be around, but they were an amazing place for Saturday "brunch" when we were in town. The food was great- I mean can you see that pizza?! And the view of the Thames and Tower Bridge was even better. 

Coppa Club Igloos London Rose
Coppa Club Pizza with Egg

Duck and Waffle

Speaking of views, Duck and Waffle has some of the best views in the city. And they had duck and waffle, which basically is an elevated chicken and waffles. It was to die for. My pics are dark didn't do it justice, so I didn't provide them. But it is definitely a perfect spot for a boujie night out. 

Other notable mentions: 

  • Hyde Park
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Walk around the neighborhoods of Notting Hill, Covent Gardens, and Marylebone
  • Natural History Museum 
  • The Tate and Tate Modern
  • All things Harry Potter (Platform 9 3/4, Studio tour, Cursed Child, etc)

Cheers, mates! -AHS

Cheery Cherry Chia Bowl

cherry chia seed bowl pumpkin seed coconuts cocoa nibs

Hi friends! I owe you guys a recipe, and I just couldn't wait to share this one with you! I called it the "cheery" cherry chia bowl because it brought so much cheer to my morning routine. No joke. If you love cherry, you will love this. The frozen cherries melt into the concoction and their juices bring an awesome flavor. It is a perfect weekday breakfast! Let me know if you try it! Xx, AHS

Cheery cherry chia bowl

cherry chia seed pudding


  • 1/3 cup chia seeds 
  • 1 ½ cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk 
  • 1/4 cup vanilla plant based protein powder
  • 7 frozen cherries 
  • dash of vanilla extract
  • your fave toppings (I used cocoa nibs, pumpkin seeds, and unsweetened coconut shreds)


Combine the first 5 ingredients as listed in container of your choice. Stir the protein to eliminate any powder bubbles. With a spoon, try to eliminate any clusters of chia seeds that won't let liquid in. Let sit overnight. Mix in the morning and add your favorite toppings. Enjoy! 

What happened when I quit coffee for 45 days

The Why

The ultimate irony, writing about giving up coffee whilst drinking this beaut of a latte.

The ultimate irony, writing about giving up coffee whilst drinking this beaut of a latte.

First, let me be 100% clear- I am not anti-coffee. In fact, by the end of this post you will realize I am in love with coffee. Actually, almost all of this post, written over the course of several days, was written under the influence of coffee. 

So why did I quit it? Well, it all started when a friend got confused and thought I was giving up coffee for lent. I had a bit of a severe reaction. It went something like, "H*ll no, I'm never giving up coffee!" And in my head I began the process of rationalizing all of the reasons I did not need to give up coffee: 

  • "But I only have a couple cups a day."
  • "I'm not addicted! Why give it up?"
  • "It's actually healthy in the amount that I drink it! I need the anti-oxidants." 
  • "It will affect my productivity – it's not good for business."

Somewhere around "I'm not addicted," I realized it was something I needed to do. I was too emotionally invested in coffee. 


    The Experience

    To replace coffee I alternated between drinking matcha and black tea. The deets:

    • I used Vital Proteins Matcha Collagen*. Sometimes I made a Bulletproof version, adding Brain Octane Oil and unsweetened almond milk. But most of the time I just added a bit of raw honey to eliminate the bitterness. If you want more information on collagen, I wrote a post about it a few months ago. 
    • I used a variety of brands of black tea depending of where I was. I mostly drank English Breakfast. Sometimes Earl Grey. Sometimes Chai. Always with unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Never any added sugar. 
    To be fair had to show my strong and worthy subs! Vital Proteins Matcha Collagen above

    To be fair had to show my strong and worthy subs! Vital Proteins Matcha Collagen above

    In London, mostly stuck with English Breakfast, for breakfast. :)&nbsp;

    In London, mostly stuck with English Breakfast, for breakfast. :) 

    I did enjoy the flavor and taste of both options. They were warming, and gave me a dose of caffeine to start my day. It definitely helped with the morning ritual component for sure. 

    Despite having good substitutes on hand, the first day was rough. Physically, I did not have as much energy as usual. Mentally, it was challenging. It was harder getting up in the morning without my morning cuppa to look forward to. 

    After the first day, I didn't notice a difference in my energy levels. This is probably because I was still getting my caffeine, just in lower doses. My body adjusted quickly to the lower amount of caffeine. I also think it's possible that I was not physically addicted to the caffeine, but emotionally. 

    Caffeine Average Per 8oz Serving

    Note: these can vary significantly depending on brew style, length, etc. I took the averages. Also, most people consume more than 8oz. My everyday brew before this experience was drip coffee. I alternated between Vital Proteins Matcha Collagen and Black Tea during this 45 day period.

    What I did notice was that I truly felt like a less happy person. FOR ALMOST THE ENTIRE TIME. It was very noticeable. I didn't quite have the "joie de vivre" that I typically experience in my day to day life. Apparently, I source great amounts of joy from my coffee in the morning. You would think that having a warm cup of tea in the morning would replace the ritual, but for me, it wasn't enough. I proceeded with my life. I did my work. I continued with my social commitments, but I found I did it all without any pep in my step. It was fine, but I missed my upbeat self. 

    This led me to do some research- is there actually a correlation between coffee and mood? Well, some studies say yes! The findings of one study show an association between coffee and mood — researchers know that caffeine works by binding to receptors for brain chemicals associated with mood. This particular study even determined that 2-4 cups of coffee a day lowered risk in women for depression. A good summary article is here if you would like more information.  Bottom line: I was not imagining a decrease in my mood, cuz science. 


    Reincorporating Coffee

    My First Cup... A Cheat Day

    Isn't she a beaut? This was my bday latte. #bliss

    Isn't she a beaut? This was my bday latte. #bliss

    My birthday is always during lent, so I always grant myself dispensation from lenten resolutions on that day. I was staying in a lovely hotel in London, with a fabulous cafe. Every day I smelled the delicious scent of roasted beans, and on the morning of my birthday I was able to enjoy my very own almond milk latte. It was sheer perfection. The coffee was sublime. Have you ever heard of the "point of diminishing return"? It basically is a concept that says after the first bite or sip of something, generally speaking, enjoyment of whatever it is goes down dramatically. I can tell you with 100% confidence that every sip of that latte brought me LIFE. I loved every second of it. But I kept it to one cup for the day and that was perfect. 

    Any side effects? I definitely had a bit of a caffeine high. But no jitters, or tenseness. No anxiety. No stomach troubles. I knew I had a strong constitution for coffee, but I did think I would experience some adverse reaction after being off it for so long (this was day 34). I was pumped there wasn't! 

    Day 45

    I went back on coffee at Easter (Holy Saturday when lent is over actually), and it was in the midst of chaos. I was helping my mom prepare for 30 guests, AND we were cooking (love my large Italian clan!). I ended up drinking A LOT of coffee. I'm not even sure how many cups because we kept pouring into unfinished cups.  I fully admit this was not the best idea after being off it for so long. 

    I could definitely feel the effects. I was tense, a bit on edge, and had a stomach ache. I 100% overdid it. It was good reality check for me. While coffee is wonderful in moderation – that doesn't mean to drink bottomless cups.  After the first day of overdoing it, I have tried to go back to my one cup in the morning, sometimes venturing for a second. I haven't experienced the negative side effects since.  

    Another noticeable difference in myself is that my palate has become more discerning. While before this experiment I was coffee "snobbish," I used to be able to get away with buying a big tub of beans at Trader Joe's. Right now, it is not doing it for me. I'm really into a more robust roast like Intelligentsia or Dark Matter.

    My mood has returned to it's normal sunny disposition. :) For the record, it's fine to not feel happy all of the time, but my normal self is set on default to "upbeat". While I have learned this is definitely partially induced by my coffee consumption, I didn't care for the "new normal" I was experiencing.

    I clearly have not broken my emotional attachment to those lovely beans, but I do know I can exist in a life without coffee. :)


    An unbiased bit of education

    While this post is about my own personal experience, I want to make sure that y'all know about all the awesome benefits coffee can bring, and the drawbacks. There are quite a few reasons to drink coffee, and quite a few reasons not to. Every person is different and can process coffee and caffeine differently. While I often sound like a coffee spokesperson, I really want you to do what feels right for your body. Have a read below to decide if you want caffeine as a part of your routine – and as always, listen to your body! 

    Caffeine Health Benefits coffee elimination
    Caffeine Health Hindrances coffee
    caffeine benefits and negative side effects references

    My Key Takeaways

    I'm happy to be reunited with my first true love. &lt;3

    I'm happy to be reunited with my first true love. <3

    I know relying on any substance for happiness is not healthy. While 45 days without coffee did not seem to break my emotional tie with it, I do know that the world will not end if I ever decide we need some time apart. While I won't be giving up coffee permanently, I will definitely try to change things up every once in a while. I've learned my lesson, 2 cups a day is my limit! And I will definitely will keep my matcha and black tea in the rotation!

    Do you drink coffee? Have you ever tried giving it up? I would love to hear if you had a similar experience. Leave a comment below or tell me on the 'gram! 

    Bottoms Up! 


      *Vital Proteins provided the Matcha Collagen. If you purchase through the links in the post, I will earn a commission at no cost to you. But to be clear, this post was not paid for by Vital Proteins and my opinions are all my own. 

      Gut Health 200

      Time to LEVEL UP friends! 

      Part two on our gut health journey will walk through: 

      • how to tackle leaky gut and digestive issues
      • how to pick a probiotic supplement

      I hope you find part two informative and useful! 

      Leaky Gut Syndrome

      Y'all ready for some more education? 

      Have you ever heard of leaky gut syndrome? It's more common than you think. If you have more than one food sensitivity you more than likely have leaky gut.

      The cells that line the intestine are supposed to be connected tightly together. Leaky gut occurs when the "glue" that keeps them together has been destroyed and spaces open up between the cells. Toxins, microbes and even pieces of food can get into the body - no bueno. This can create many problems in the body, and can even cause auto-immune diseases. 

      Image courtesy of Dr. Axe.&nbsp;

      Image courtesy of Dr. Axe. 

      According to Dr. Leo Galland, director of the Foundation for Integrated Medicine these are some of the top symptoms you could be experiencing if you have a leaky gut:

      1. Chronic diarrhea, constipation, gas or bloating
      2. Nutritional deficiencies
      3. Poor immune system
      4. Headaches, brain fog, memory loss
      5. Excessive fatigue
      6. Skin rashes and problems such as acne, eczema or rosacea
      7. Cravings for sugar or carbs
      8. Arthritis or joint pain
      9. Depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD
      10. Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease or Crohn's

      So what do you do if you suspect you have leaky gut? Well first, we get down to what could be offending foods in your diet. We tackle this with (step 1:) an elimination diet.* 

      For 3 weeks eliminate the following foods from your diet: gluten (and any grains that could be cross-contaminated by gluten), dairy, corn, soy, and eggs. Some advise to also eliminate shellfish and peanuts.  After the three weeks reintroduce one category at a time (every 4 days) to observe your body's response. Eat the food several times a day for 2-3 days and observe. If you have a reaction right away, you do not need to keep eating it. 

      Step 2: If you identify trigger foods- keep them out of your diet for 6 months. The body is remarkable and can remember! Give it time to forget and most likely you will be able to add those bad boys back into your diet eventually.**

      Step 3: Add in foods to heal the intestinal lining! Hello, probiotic beauties! See last week's post for a for an in-depth look at probiotic rich foods. More below as well. In addition to probiotics and prebiotics, coconut oil, ghee, and foods rich in glutamine (animal proteins, beans, spinach, cabbage, parsley, etc) are great for this step as well. 

      Step 4: Bask in your healed, glorious body! 

      Add a probiotic supplement

      vitamins and probiotics

      Let's talk about adding a probiotic supplement into your life. Eating probiotic rich foods is not the easiest so unless you plan on making it a priority – supplementing is your best bet! Additionally, if you are suffering from any of the symptoms listed above - you can target specific issues by what imbalance you are trying to recover from.  I won't go too depth here, but this article breaks it down by symptom. 

      Buying a probiotic is notoriously difficult because there are so many out there, and its hard to be informed about every option out there. Here is what you should look for: 

      What to look for in a probiotic supplement

      Identify the best bacteria strains

      You want to make sure you are getting diverse strains of bacteria- because we are all about well rounded gut flora! There is some debate on if "more is better", but some advise for CFUs” (colony forming units) in the billions. Instead focus on a variety of strains. A good brand will list them out. Some of the best strains to keep an eye out for are below:

      B. longum

      • Benefits: maintaining the integrity of the gut wall, decreasing stress, memory improvement, helping relieve constipation

      B. bifidum

      • Benefits: improves digestion of dairy foods, breaks down carbs, fat, and protein into smaller components so the body can use them more efficiently, boosts immune response, reduction in IBS symptoms and ulcerative colitis

      L. acidophilus 

      • Benefits: supports a healthy balance of good bacteria to bad bacteria, immune function, maintain healthy cholesterol levels, supports nutrient absorption, improves digestion of dairy foods


      An expiration date

      An expiration date ensures that you are getting live strains of bacteria. Probiotics are not going to do you any good if the strains are dead. Without an expiration date listed, there is no way to tell if you are buying living strains or if they are already dead! Probiotics are not cheap, so don't skip this advice! 


      Smart packaging

      Moisture and heat can kill off microbes so it is important to make sure that the packaging will protect them!  You should store supplements in a cool, dark place but refrigeration is best. Some brands have developed amazing delivery systems that are shelf stable, but to be safe, opt for the fridge. 

      Guys, this post was longer than anticipated, so I decided this is now a 3 part series! Our last section will tackle ways to get whole food probiotic and prebiotics into your normal routine! I hope you have enjoyed the series so far. Please leave me a comment here or on instagram if you have learned something new! Cheers! AHS

      *As a reminder, I am not a doctor. I only play one on TV. Please consult with a healthcare provider when you undergo lifestyle changes.

      ** This is for food sensitivities. If you suspect you may have celiac disease or other autoimmune diseases, please consult a healthcare provider. 

      Gut Health 101

      Gut health is quite buzzy these days and it's actually one of my favorite topics. There is a whole world that lives inside of us, and many of us didn't even know existed! I am breaking this topic into two parts so that this post isn't completely overwhelming. Part one (below) focuses on giving you a general understanding gut health. Happy reading! 

      What is the microbiome?

      The human microbiota consists of the 10-100 trillion symbiotic microbial cells harbored by each person, primarily bacteria in the gut; the human microbiome consists of the genes these cells harbor. There are 10 times more cells from microorganisms like bacteria and fungi in and on our bodies than there are human cells. 

      "Woah, that is wild. We are really more bacteria than we are human. But I thought that bacteria was bad?"

      Well yes, there are "bad" bacteria. But there are also "good" bacteria. 

      Good bacteria can: 

      • Improve digestion
      • Strengthen our immune systems
      • Manufacture the vitamins our bodies need

      Bad bacteria can cause:

      • Digestion problems
      • Mental issues
      • Skin conditions
      • Illness (more rare than you think)

      "What about antibiotics? They kill bacteria when we are sick- they are good for us right?"

      This screenshot from the Quartz app, yesterday 3/28. Very timely.

      This screenshot from the Quartz app, yesterday 3/28. Very timely.

      Hmmm interesting you should bring that up! Antibiotics do kill bad bacteria – BUT they also kill good bacteria along with the bad. They often destroy healthy colonies of good bacteria. This can lead to an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut and can cause digestive and other health issues.

        Additionally, overuse/misuse has led to antibiotic resistance. Essentially, you should only take antibiotics if you are suffering from a bacterial infection. Very often, we call our doctors asking for medicine when we are sick. However, it may take time to know whether you are suffering from a viral infection (not helped by antibiotics) or a bacterial infection (helped by antibiotics). Some doctors will give you an antibiotic if you ask for it, regardless of whether they are certain if it is bacterial. The over prescription of antibiotics has caused a global health emergency. By taking antibiotics frequently, we are raising our resistance to the medicine - which means when we are really sick and need them, they may not work.

        Moral of the story: only take antibiotics when your health care provider is certain you require them (and please don't push for them).

        Additionally, the meat industry is infamous for giving animals antibiotics to "keep them healthy" often in terrible living conditions. The hormones fed to them are passed on to us. That is why if you eat dairy products it is important to look for added hormone free products (the best way to do this is purchase organic when possible) as well as purchase high quality meat products. Shopping ethically could be a whole additional post, so will table this for now. (If you are interested in learning more, leave me a comment below!)

        "How do I know if my gut bacteria are out of whack?"

        Well, there are quite a few ways. If you experience any of the following, your gut bacteria may not be in balance:

        • Digestive Issues
          • Gas, bloating, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, IBS, Inflammatory Bowel Disease ([IBD] including Crohn’s, and Ulcerative colitis)
        • Mental Issues
          • Depression and anxiety, brain fog, OCD, autism
        • Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies (check with your doctor for the lab work)
          • Vitamin D, K, B12, B7, Magnesium
        • Using antibiotics
        • Chronic, unmanaged stress (keep it calm brides!)
        • Skin Conditions 
          • Acne, Rosacea, Psoriasis, Eczema
        • Autoimmune diseases
          • Hashimoto’s,  Rheumatoid arthritis,  IBD

        Note that these range from serious health issues to very minor issues like gas or brain fog. One round of antibiotics can completely mess up your gut. There are lots of ways to tackle an unbalanced gut. The next section will outline some tips for eating right for good gut health - which is a great place to start. Stay tuned for part two for a more in depth feature on how to take it on more serious issues. 

        "What should I eat for a healthy gut?"

        The good news is that if you are health conscious at all you are probably well on your way to a healthy gut. The foundation for a healthy gut is the same as most other healthy living principles: 

        • Eat “real” or “whole” Foods
          • Did it exist when your grandparents (or great grandparents) were growing up?
          • Could you make it in your own kitchen or at least buy the ingredients to do so?
          • Will it eventually rot?
        • Eat a rainbow of foods (mostly plants)
          • The bright colors in fruits and veggies come from phytonutrients which protect against cancer, heart disease and more.
          • Generally speaking the more brightly colored the food is the healthier it is 
          • Any sustainable strategy for long term health grounded in emphasizing (and increasing) the “good” in your diet
          • FIBER! The microbiome’s BFF

        "But wait, that's not why I wanted to learn about gut health at all. What about kombucha?" 

        A perfect breakfast or snack loaded with prebiotics - underripe banana served on Pumpkin Seed GG crisps and peanut butter. GG crisps are whole wheat and many varieties use psyllium husks as an ingredient. Another great prebiotic!

        A perfect breakfast or snack loaded with prebiotics - underripe banana served on Pumpkin Seed GG crisps and peanut butter. GG crisps are whole wheat and many varieties use psyllium husks as an ingredient. Another great prebiotic!

        Oh eating a healthy diet isn't up your alley? JK, jk. There are two types of foods that you should work on incorporating into your gut friendly diet: probiotics and prebiotics. 

        Probiotics are actual live, good bacteria. They come in supplement form, or you can get them naturally in the following foods: 

        • Yogurt, kefir, and buttermilk 
        • Aged cheese such as cheddar, Gouda, or Parmesan (not the processed kind that comes in a bag)
        • Sauerkraut, kimchi and other pickled vegetables
        • Sourdough bread 
        • Miso (fermented barley or soy or rice)
        • Tempeh - fermented soy  
        • Kombucha - fermented tea
        • Beer and wine (all in moderation!)

        Prebiotics are foods that feed the good bacteria already present in the intestine. If your curious about how they work, check out this article. Here are some great sources to add into your diet: 

        • Raw chicory root - the top source, with almost 60% fiber
        • Raw Jerusalem artichoke 
        • Raw garlic
        • Raw leeks
        • Raw asparagus
        • Raw dandelion greens
        • Raw onions 
        • Cooked onions
        • Whole wheat 
        • Underripe bananas
        • Raw jicama
        • Legumes
        • Psyllium Husks
        • Other fruits and vegetables

        Whether you are in good health or not, making sure you add in probiotic and prebiotic foods into your normal routine will be very beneficial. 

        This is the end of part one. Stay tuned for the next installment! Part two will lay out the groundwork for tackling bacteria imbalances in the gut as well as more actionable steps to conquer healthy gut living!

        Please let me know if you found this to be helpful! I'm excited to share more with you soon! - AHS

        5 tips to keep up your healthy lifestyle while traveling abroad

        Poached eggs spinach parm Blixen London

        If you don't know me personally, you may not know that travel is my favorite hobby. I have been to 30 countries in my 30 years* of life, and I intend to keep that ratio going. I however, have not always been the perfect example of health whilst on the road. As my life has become increasingly focused on health, I have had to adapt my indulgent ways to create balance in my life. Inspired by my trip to London last week, I have assembled some tips to help you while you travel internationally (and domestic as well for many!). Remember it is all about Soulful Healthy (Eating) Decisions, every day. 

        Tip #1: Eat Clean before you go

        My first tip actually starts before you even set foot in the airport. If you know you will be traveling, try to cook at home as much as you can the week before you leave, and obviously, keep it clean. This will help set you up for success and not feel overly indulgent once you arrive in your destination. Basically, you are prepping your body to splurge a bit. Bonus points if you are going on a beach vacay, you will feel great in that bathing suit! 

        Also, prepare for the flight and immediate arrival by bringing your own healthy fare. For the plane I brought almonds and dried fruit. I also had a couple RX bars on hand for mini meals upon arrival. Kick your trip off on a good note!

        banana oatmeal healthy tips while traveling

        Tip #2: Make a trip to the local grocery

        If you are staying at an AirBNB you most likely had this as a part of your plan, but for the rest of the hotel dwellers, you may think twice about this step. Going to the grocery store at your destination can be an awesome asset. If you have a fridge in your room you can pack up with all of your go-tos. You could get yogurt, almond milk, fresh fruit that needs refrigeration, etc. It really opens up a whole realm of possibilities. If a fridge is not in the cards, there are lots of shelf stable foods that can help you stay on track. On my trip last week, the minibar fridge was full so I didn't have the option. I bought GF oatmeal, bananas, and some popcorn for snacking. We had a kettle in the room, so that was all we needed for a quick and easy brekky. Starting your day with a healthy, balanced breakfast (I sound like a commercial from the 90s) allows for wiggle room later! This will also help you save some $$!

        Tip #3: lean into what the locals eat

        Just because you are starting the day right doesn't mean you should be eating all of your meals in your room. The fact is, you are in a new place, you should enjoy it! Try street fare, go to all the best restaurants and eat what sounds good to you. When you are experiencing a new culture, you shouldn't stress about eating too many carbs or having dessert. This is why tips 1 and 2 are so important. By starting off on the right foot, you can be more indulgent in other areas. 




        Tip #4: Pick your spots to indulge

        Shameless (truly) eating of the most delicious NOT gf buttery scones in all the land. At Hoi Polloi in Shoreditch, London.

        Shameless (truly) eating of the most delicious NOT gf buttery scones in all the land. At Hoi Polloi in Shoreditch, London.

        Chia pod and chai almond milk latte - still starting the day clean!

        Chia pod and chai almond milk latte - still starting the day clean!

        So, please, you absolutely should indulge during your trip. BUT – you do not need to indulge at every meal. If you think that you will be eating an extravagant dinner, try to not have an indulgent lunch. This move should also be apart of your healthy living routine in life, so don't throw it to the wayside just cuz you're not in your every day reality! 

        Also, you can still make healthy decisions whilst eating out. As always, keep an eye out for lots of veggies and lean protein. Choose some meals to not have white carbs (potatoes, pasta, bread, etc). 


        Tip #5: Move

        This may be an obvious one, but try to move your body while you are traveling. Post long plane ride you are going to want to stretch it out. Try to reconnect with nature upon arrival. Walk around and let the earth know where you've landed (yeah my woo-woo side is showing). On some vacations, activity is just built right in! Go hiking on Machu Picchu! Go swim in the ocean with some dolphins! Bike through tulip fields in Holland! Even playing golf counts (just don't use a cart ;)).  But if you're traveling for work you may not have those lovely options. Here is a list of possible ways to move if you are not so lucky:

        • walk everywhere
        • use the hotel fitness center
        • do a yoga flow in your room (or in nature if possible!)
        • go to a local fitness studio
        • use a fitness app on your phone
        • go for a run (if the neighborhood is safe and is culturally appropriate)

        Moving your body daily will make you feel good and help you stay in balance. Try to keep it up for the duration of your trip, but listen to your body. If you're tired, rest! :) 

        Bonus Tip #6: don't expect to be perfect

        It's all about the ebbs and flows of life. You are on a trip: whether it be business or vacation, you are experiencing a part of the world you don't get to be in all of the time. Soak up every second. Be present. Enjoy yourself and don't obsess! When you get home, you can get back to your healthy routine as usual. Life is good. 

        Where are you off to next?  Would love to hear about your next big trip and your biggest challenges when traveling! Leave me a note below or a comment on the gram. Cheers friends! Xx - AHS

        *I wrote this when I was still 30. I turned 31 this week. Ratio to be updated hopefully soon! 

        Wedding Celebrations: A Guide To Healthfully Making It Out Alive

        A wedding could be defined as one beautiful day where you marry the love of your life in a ceremony and then throw a party for your family & friends. That’s what I thought before I was engaged at least. Oh, how wrong I was. 

        A wedding really is a series of events.  Depending on your style (and the generosity of various friends and family) these are some of the events that may be included in your “wedding season” (as my mom referred to mine!): 

        bridesmaid cheers wedding events healthy
        1. Engagement Party (informal, formal or both)
        2. Trying on dresses. Followed by dress fittings. 
        3. Picking out bridesmaid dresses with yo ladies
        4. Meetings with vendors (varying from venues, florists, photographers, videographers, bands/djs, wedding ring shopping, etc.)
        5. Catering/Menu tasting 
        6. Cake tasting
        7. Bridal Showers (could be thrown by bridesmaids, relatives on either side, colleagues or all of the above)
        8. Bachelorette 
        9. Welcome party (for out of town guests)
        10. Bridal luncheon 
        11. Rehearsal
        12. Wedding
        13. Day-after brunch

        It is easy to see that the wedding is actually just one day in a slew of nuptial-related events. Ideally, you want to feel bride-y and festive for every single one. But how to handle so many, especially the ones surrounding feasting?  Below I take a look at some of the hardest events to navigate. I have compiled my best advice as a past bride and health coach to navigate your “wedding season.” This should help you feel your best and enjoy to maximum capacity. 


        General Rules of Thumb for Your Wedding Season

        Remember that this should be one of the happiest times in your life. Don’t let the stress of planning, and weight loss make it any less enjoyable. No matter what – resolve to be present, and enjoy every moment of the process. Planning the wedding and the events are the majority of your time spent, so make it count. Also, when you are stressed, your body releases the hormone, cortisol, which makes it very difficult to lose weight. So keep it chilllllll. 

        If champagne is present, you are obligated to have a glass. You are the bride, and you deserve it! Celebratory champers is a must. However, it is important to not over indulge, particularly in the final events right up to your wedding (welcome party, bridal luncheon, rehearsal). While you are most likely at the weight you will be at for the wedding, alcohol is a huge bloat offender. So have the glass of bubbles. Don’t have 5. 

        Overall, remember that consistency is key. While there are quite a few events in prep for the wedding, you have plenty of other days of the week where you can be eating clean! It's all about striking a balance, my friends. 


        Engagement Party 

        This is typically quite a while before the wedding. Least amount of pressure. Sample food. Live it up. Try not to overdo it but don't stress if you do. Just enjoy. 



        Normally closer to the wedding, now is not the time to indulge. If you know there is going to be some amazing food, try to manage your meals before and after so that you can have your cake and eat it too! Feel free to try bites of everything, but eat slowly and pay attention to your hunger cues. 


        wedding events food

        Catering/Menu Tasting

        It is so important to try everything because this is what your guests will be served, so this is not a time to be skimpy. That being said, try one of each appetizer (or if you trust your future hubs you can delegate), and be sure to try all of the entrees and wine selections (if you are having it). Operating word being “try”. You do not need to eat all of the food placed in front of you. If you don’t like wasting food, you can see if they will give you boxes. The key is to not feel like the giant blueberry kid from Willa Wonka at the end of the meal. 


        Cake tasting

        cake tasting wedding events healthy eating

        Honestly, what is better than tasting your wedding cake?!

        The beauty of tasting is that it is just that, a taste. So unless you are gluten intolerant (and if so, perhaps look into GF desserts) you should be able to enjoy this part of the wedding process, no problem! Just remember to take small meaningful bites. 

        With one of my cake tastings, we ended up with 12 cupcakes to take home. While I wish I could say I gave them away, the truth is I slowly ate them, ¼ cupcake at a time, alongside my boo. Bad form ladies, bad form. Learning from my mistakes I highly recommend finding out in advance if you are going to have leftovers (call the bakery and ask). If you are going to have leftovers, drop them off in a care basket with friends.

        Try to do this early on in the wedding process so you aren't stressing it! 



        This is the time to let loose! When else are you going to have all of your girls there to party with you? If you do go the traditional bachelorette route, try to have the party more than a month before the wedding. Then get right back on the healthy living track post-soiree. This ensures that you won’t sabotage all of your hard work! 

        However, if raging isn’t your thing- more power to you! I know ladies who have done trapeze or pole dancing classes bachelorettes. Active and booze-free (aka calorie-free!), you can have a blast and be working towards your dress-worthy bod. 


        welcome party, bridal luncheon, rehearsal dinner

        These events usually directly precede the actual wedding. The good news is, you already fit in your dress, the key is making sure you feel fabulous the day of your wedding. 

        During these events, engage in the practice of mindful eating, chew slowly, and eat until you are full. Try to avoid breads and cheeses (keeping your digestion nice and clear for the next day).

        Ideally, drink celebratory toasts but make sure you don't have more than a couple drinks. Alcohol, besides providing lovely hangovers the next day, can create bloat in the body. If you do wake up the morning of the big day and you are feeling less than your best, I recommend drinking some dandelion root tea (add to your shopping list now!) - it is an excellent de-bloater.


        The Wedding and Day-After Brunch

        Congratulations, you made it! The morning of the wedding - please eat a light breakfast (eggs or oatmeal are good), even if you have nerves (#nofaintingbridespls)!

        During the events eat as much food as you can, when you can, because you are going to be pulled away almost immediately to go round to tables or chat with someone you haven't seen yet. Everyone is there to see YOU, after all. Cheers to your happily, healthfully, ever after! 

        What do you guys think? Do you feel prepared to tackle your wedding season? I hope these tips help! Let me know your thoughts below or on Instagram! Xx - AHS